Zombies! I told you!!

Just read about another cannibal act in Maryland, what the fuck??? Monkey see monkey do and no that's not racist

I'm telling you guys!!! I'm getting the OK from Silk tomorrow to get a couple thousand rounds. This is the start. I'm bringing my Glock 36 single stack .45 to the gym with me.
I tell you what, I don't like people walking behind me or getting too close to me, but now I will really be keeping an eye on people and I will not hesitate to beat the fuck out of someone if they start making me feel uncomfortable
There's going to be an outbreak of beatings where the defendant is going to say that the victim made a cannibalistic comment to him or that he was scared the victim was going to eat him, I'll call that one now
I'm telling you guys!!! I'm getting the OK from Silk tomorrow to get a couple thousand rounds. This is the start. I'm bringing my Glock 36 single stack .45 to the gym with me.
You got my ok...I don't want to be someones lunch! Aim for the head!!!
Ummmm, sorry if you're squeamish, but I found these pics. Who know's if they're real or not but they look real.....crazy stuff!



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Lol.. Have to ask? Have you guys seen Hornady makes boxes of ammo called zombie killers? Crazy designed box and it made me think of this !!
Lol.. Have to ask? Have you guys seen Hornady makes boxes of ammo called zombie killers? Crazy designed box and it made me think of this !!

Yep. Kabar also makes a whole line of knives in a Zombie series. All the Zombie hype recently is a little coincidental. It started long before the recent attacks....
I seen his girlfriend on the news today talking about what a good guy he was that he never used drugs and that he loved his family
Yep. Kabar also makes a whole line of knives in a Zombie series. All the Zombie hype recently is a little coincidental. It started long before the recent attacks....

Shit Dude you need to start an anti-zombie training camp out by your bunker hideout..make some cash..
Looks like you're going to be right in the middle of it if this shit starts migrating north

I'm ready. Shit those Zombies could be wearing body armor and still be fucked. I just got the OK to buy 1000 Penetrator rounds for my AR. Not that they are needed just for body armor. You can't go outside without seeing someone that looks like a zombie