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[h=1]Arnold 2.0: Calum Von Moger Talks With[/h]
<section class="cb-entry-content clearfix" style="box-sizing: border-box; zoom: 1; margin: 0px 0px 30px; color: rgb(72, 72, 72); font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 25.2px;">[h=2]Quick Stats:[/h]
Age: 25
Height: 6’2″ – 188 cm
Weight: 250 lbs – 113 kg

[h=2]What was your lifestyle like prior to your transformation?[/h]I grew up in a very small town on a little farm with my family. I played soccer for 8 years and was always very athletic. I remember growing up in an organized household where the entire family followed a daily routine. The environment where I grew up undoubtedly helped shape my mindset on discipline.
I learned to place a high value on food and nutrition at a young age too.

[h=2]What was your low point or turning point?[/h]
When I was 14 my brother and I started training at an old warehouse; it had rusty iron barbells and dumbbells. At that time, I was skinny and not very strong; my fitness goal was to catch up to my older brother who was bigger and stronger than me. I spent my days training and watching Pumping Iron. I ate cans of tuna and whole chickens, and I hit the beach all while attending high school. In 2011, I was recruited to enter the WFF Junior Mr. Universe competition. I competed in the NABBA Junior International Championships and won that competition.
I went on to take first place in the Jr. Mr. Universe in the same year. That competition had a big impact on me because I knew I could now excel in bodybuilding.

[h=2]Were there any unique challenges or circumstances that made your transformation particularly difficult?[/h]Yes, women. My mum really didn’t like me bodybuilding as a teenager, and many times she tried to stop me from going to the gym. Now I 100% have her support because she sees how successful I have become.
I also had girlfriends in the past which made it hard at times, but I think anyone can relate to that.

[h=2]What is your life like now that you’ve made a transformation?[/h]I’m extremely busy now. After becoming Mr. Universe for 3rd time and being an ambassador for the health and fitness industry, I find that I am traveling every month to a new city or country.
I meet so many people, fans and friends along the way; it’s a beautiful feeling. I really am very blessed.

[h=2]What motivates you to keep going and push harder?[/h]
As a kid, I remember watching Steve Reeves in Hercules. I looked up to him as a role model for my ‘dream’ physique. Now that I have built a nice shape from bodybuilding, kids on social media are looking up to me and reaching out to me on a daily basis.
I feel I have switched from being the kid with ‘big’ dreams, to a man who can be a role model; that’s what motivates me.

[h=2]What is your next goal? Where do you see yourself this time next year?[/h]My next goal is to expand my name not just in the fitness industry, but in entertainment and wildlife conservation in Africa. I have a big heart for animals, and I would love to use my platform to create awareness for purposes that are greater than my own. Next year, I plan on hosting the Mr. Universe show in Miami.
I also plan on doing guest appearances around the world; I’m already booked up each month until May of next year.

[h=2]What is your current training philosophy?[/h]
Rome wasn’t built in a day; it takes time, patience and consistency.
Full Routine:
[h=2]Monday: Back[/h]
  • Hammer Lat Pulldowns 4 x 10-15 (Superset)
  • Rope Pullovers 4 x 10-15
  • Low Back Machine Rows 3 x 10-12 (Superset)
  • Middle Back Machine Rows 3 x 10-12
  • Close Grip Lat Pulldowns 3 x 10-12 (Superset)
  • Single Arm Machine Lat Pulldowns 3 x 10-12
  • Hyperextensions 2 x 15
[h=2]Tuesday: Chest[/h]
  • Pec Deck 3 x 10-15
  • Incline Machine Press 3 x 10-12
  • Flat Machine Press 3 x 10-12
  • Machine Fly’s 3 x 10-12
  • Incline Dumbbell Press 3 x 10-12
  • Decline Machine Press 3 x 10-12
[h=2]Wednesday: Quads[/h]
  • Leg Extensions 4 x 10-15
  • 45° Leg Press 4 x 10-15
  • Smith Machine Squats 3 x 10-15
  • Single Leg Press 3 x 10-15
  • Vertical Leg Press 3 x 10-15
[h=2]Thursday: Hamstrings/Calves[/h]
  • Lying Leg Curls 4 x 10-15
  • Stiff Legged Dumbbell Deadlifts 3 x 10-15
  • Hatch Machine Deadlifts 3 x 10-15
  • High Leg Press 3 x 10-15
  • Calf Press 5 x 10-15
  • Adductor Machine 4 x 10-15
[h=2]Thursday: Arms/Abs[/h]
  • Standing EZ-Bar Curls 4 x 10-15
  • Preacher Curls 3 x 10-15
  • Machine Curls 3 x 10-15
  • Cable Pushdowns 4 x 10-15
  • Skull Crushers 3 x 10-15
  • Machine Extensions 3 x 10-15 (Giant Superset)
  • Leg Raises 3 x 20
  • Knee Raises 3 x 20
  • Machine Sit Ups 3 x 20
[h=2]Friday: Shoulders/Calves[/h]
  • Machine Shoulder Press 3 x10-15
  • Side Lateral Raises 3 x10-15
  • Dumbbell Overhead Press 3 x 10-15
  • Rear Delt Fly’s 3 x 10-15
  • Seated Shoulder Press 3 X Failure
  • Seated Calf Press 5 x 10-20
[h=2]Saturday: Rest[/h]
  • Recovery
[h=2]Sunday: Rest[/h]
  • Recovery

[h=2]Favorite form of cardio?[/h]How do you do cardio? (Laughs) But in all seriousness, I don’t do any cardio. At the present moment, I do a lot of walking daily. I only incorporate cardio when I have to shred down for a show.
great body for only 25 years old and 6'2. it takes a lot of time to put muscle on a frame that size, i know i am '6'3.

So would you guys consider this a "Classic Physique"? and what they should be going for with the new division in NPC and IFBB???
[h=2]What is your approach to nutrition?[/h]Everything in moderation; I generally eat very well for most of the day, but it is not uncommon for me to take on a lot of burgers and pizza.
(Laughs) I have a fast metabolism, and I know my body can burn through the calories easily.

[h=2]Do you bulk and cut or stay lean year round?[/h]Bulking is hard, staying lean is easy. I am forever trying to add/maintain lean muscle mass.
Daily Diet:

  • Meal 1: 1 ½ cup Oats, 1 Scoop Protein, Berries and Yogurt
  • Meal 2: 6 Egg Whites, 1 Egg and 6 ounces Buffalo Meat
  • Meal 3: 9 ounces Chicken, 7 ounces Rice and 1 cup Vegetables
  • Meal 4: 9 ounces Red Meat and 7 ounces Potato
  • Meal 5: 9 ounces Chicken, 7 ounces Rice, Salad and 1 cup Vegetables
  • Meal 6: 12 Egg Whites and ½ cup Cream of Rice
  • Between meals, I’ll usually have up to 3 protein shakes a day.

[h=2]What has been your biggest accomplishment in the fitness field?[/h]
Most definitely, winning the Mr. Universe title three times and becoming the first WFF Pro bodybuilder in this federation.

[h=2]What are your best 3 tips for someone looking to reach their goal physique?[/h]
  1. In three words, never give up!
  2. Set a goal and do whatever it takes to reach it.
  3. Don’t let day to day difficulties stop you from having an enthusiastic approach to life!

[h=2]Favorite Quote:[/h]
Just like the oak sleeps in the acorn and the eagle waits in the egg, every great achievement started with a dream or a thought. – Dad

[h=2]Social Media:[/h]Instagram: @calumvonmoger
Snapchat: calvonlive
​Huge fan of this dude. Seems very down to earth and has great work ethic. IMO he has the perfect physique for classic division.
To me his body is perfect for classic physique. He has size, condition and balance. I think if he tried to (not that he will or needs to) put on 30 pounds of muscle he would only damage his overall physique.
yeah, he isn't even in his bodybuilding Prime yet in terms of age, not even close really, he still has a few years til in his prime

and jimbo, love that post in ifbb npc forum with the Asian Arnold lol, dudes chest was genetically gifted from GOD himself, the rest of his body was just ok, but that chest was 3d
yeah, he isn't even in his bodybuilding Prime yet in terms of age, not even close really, he still has a few years til in his prime

and jimbo, love that post in ifbb npc forum with the Asian Arnold lol, dudes chest was genetically gifted from GOD himself, the rest of his body was just ok, but that chest was 3d
His chest definitely his best part

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His new videos on you tube are great. It's him, Antoine Valliant, Franck McGrath etc. He literally just eats what he wants in them. Obviously he isn't dieting for anything but it just shows how good his genetics are amongst other things. In one video he enters a small scale shows and wins the overall. The other competitors must have thought wtf... nowhere near his level. He wasn't looking his best obviously as he was eating junk food the night before and messing about. Him and Antoine are joking saying a 4 hour prep and he was his guru :D Just steps on stage and wins looking like he does every day of the year. On another subject it's good to see Antoine back and I hope he stays sober this time.
His new videos on you tube are great. It's him, Antoine Valliant, Franck McGrath etc. He literally just eats what he wants in them. Obviously he isn't dieting for anything but it just shows how good his genetics are amongst other things. In one video he enters a small scale shows and wins the overall. The other competitors must have thought wtf... nowhere near his level. He wasn't looking his best obviously as he was eating junk food the night before and messing about. Him and Antoine are joking saying a 4 hour prep and he was his guru :D Just steps on stage and wins looking like he does every day of the year. On another subject it's good to see Antoine back and I hope he stays sober this time.

Have to check out his youtube, thx
He is perfect for classic physique but there is an issue at 6'2" his max weight to compete would be 225 pounds. This is the problem with the current setup for us taller guys. I have to compete at 240 and I feel like a chicken at that weight. I was going to send a letter in to the powers that be about upping the weight limits for us taller guys. There is no reason I shouldn't be able to compete at 260 pounds given my height. They need to at least give us tall guys 10-14 more pounds. At Nationals I was the tallest competitor there and the only one in my height class in Class C. Then I had to compete against guys from 5'10" on up to me. This guy here is the greatest example of what the class should be but it is in it's first year and hopefully they change it up a bit for next year.
He is perfect for classic physique but there is an issue at 6'2" his max weight to compete would be 225 pounds. This is the problem with the current setup for us taller guys. I have to compete at 240 and I feel like a chicken at that weight. I was going to send a letter in to the powers that be about upping the weight limits for us taller guys. There is no reason I shouldn't be able to compete at 260 pounds given my height. They need to at least give us tall guys 10-14 more pounds. At Nationals I was the tallest competitor there and the only one in my height class in Class C. Then I had to compete against guys from 5'10" on up to me. This guy here is the greatest example of what the class should be but it is in it's first year and hopefully they change it up a bit for next year.
Totally agree