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    The most underatted topic of cycling--SEX SEX SEX

    what does test do to a women--how much can u give her and not get any sides but that she'll get horney
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    new workout..."modified DC"

    not worried about overtraining?
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    hcg during cycle--benifical or not?

    other than making your balls bigger--or back to normal, does it also have anything to do with incresing your libido?or increasing the volumne of semen?
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    hcg during cycle--benifical or not?

    on a long test cycle would it be benificial to use hcg? and if so why and typicaly how much and for how long? thanks
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    "hey bro your wasting your time...,"

    I hear you --the thing is this,I really don't feel I,m cheating at all--many of you guys live in a bb's world-and thats a good thing--me,most of my friends haven,t lifted a weight in 30 yrs--most sit around an office and bla bla bla--and I am also very guilty of this,until about 2 1/2 yrs ago...
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    fina vs deca ??

    while stacking with test, what would you say is the difference with these two?
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    Treadmill Trouble

    I have trouble period running.gear usage promotes too much cramping and my shins explode like--anyway,I recently bought a gazzelle--you've probably seen them on a info commerical with tony little in his pony tail and cap--i aleays thought it was crap until listening to people priase this...
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    "hey bro your wasting your time...,"

    what I,m talking about is my diet,in terms of bodybuilding.I,m 6' 235--I,m 50 yrs old,been lifting for 2 1/2 yrs and have made incrediable gains--from 15"arms to 18 1/2" and everything else respectivly.My biggest gains came from tuning up my lifting-use to be in to 'cosmetic' lifting 5x a week...
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    can't eat enough

    i had to take a break--drinking about 350 grms of protein drinks,gliutimine,creatine mixing mixing and mixing flaxoil etc etc,vitamins,ala,,did this all very consistently for the last yr now I,ve stopped all except a strong post workout shake--needed the break
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    lab corp and cialis

    2 questions; 1--does lab corp give discounts to mc members? 2-- has anyone ever ordered cialis from them? if so,how was it??
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    when do your test levels peak..,

    how long do they plateu for than?
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    when do your test levels peak..,

    while on a 1g test cyn cycle and lets say you inject 500 mgs, when would the test peak? the 3rd day? and how long do they peak for?
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    400 test vs 200 test

    from my clinic i was told they now offer 400mg/cc instead of 200ml/cc test cyn,is there any downside to the 400? to me it means less pokes,-is there something i,m missing?any downside?its from a us pharmacy and on a cycle 1gwkly.
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    great home cardio machine

    it is a good machine--i put it in front of the tv and do 20 to 30 min 3x wk and it really works the whole body--i,ve been on it now for 2 to 3 wks and my bp pressure problems are all gone
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    great home cardio machine

    When I first saw this machine advertised I thought what a waste--but after listening to others i bought one and its really good--I,m sure you ve all seen his ad--Tony Little' gazeele--I know--it looks gay--but really--its heavy--its completely silent--put it up 1 level(there's 3) and its a great...
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    DEADLIFTS--Whats the secret?

    Sometimes someone tells you a tip on a certain exercise that really improves the way u use to do it--any tips on the exact step step movement with deads that might help me increase more weight? thanks.I'm thinking that I might not be doing them as proficient as possible.
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    The most underatted topic of cycling--SEX SEX SEX

    I'm 50 yrs old--been lifting hard for only 2yrs--completely changed my body--when I started I was 215 lbs 6' 40" waist 15" arms and couldn't bench 200 2x--after lifting heavy weight,low volume, drinking 300 grms protein ed etc and on HEAVY CYCLES,for ie., 1 1/2 test cyn wkly stacked with anadrol...
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    600 mgs of Test Cyn---these sides sound familar?

    Just shot 3 cc's of test cyn(600 mg) in my glut and 2 hrs later I am experiencing a very hot flush face--is this common? why?
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    need help--keep having to re-log in

    Everytime I go to do something like post I have to re-log in--any advice??
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    squat machine--whats a good one for home use?

    definitly just for free weights