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    squat machine--whats a good one for home use?

    need a squat machine for home use--so i'm trying to find one thats small and cheap--so far some recomended a power rack for 300$ and tips?
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    deads vs squats

    If you had to choose only 1 of these that you could do for the rest of your life--which one and why?--which one produces more muscle growth?
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    d-bol question

    Can you take 50 mgs 1 hr before your workout and benifit from the strenth aspects of the drug and only take it prior to your workout(3x wk) instead of ed? or does the drug have to saturate or accumulate in your body to work ? I know your body only grows during recovery so the drug would not be...
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    cardio and lifting same day

    because of my work/home schedule I need to combine these two.So I,m lifting for 45 min and then doing cardio for 20 to 25 min-3x weekly -heres my question,should I drink a pre workout shake before my lifting?or in between lifting and cardio? or not at all,thus burning up fat during my...
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    Cardio and lift on same day--which to do first?

    shhould there be anytime between workout and cardio?
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    Cardio and lift on same day--which to do first?

    yea that was going to be my plan but if I worked out first I would then drink my post workout drink after the workout but then I wouldn,t benfit from doing cardio on an empty stomach.
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    Cardio and lift on same day--which to do first?

    Do to my work/home schedule I need to combine these--I usally do cardio for 20 to 30 min 3x wk and lift 3x a wk--i was thinking doing cardio first then drink a pre wporkout drink and then lift for 30 to 40 min
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    Is this SQUAT ROUTINE a waste of time?

    bench and a pro pack universal machine
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    Is this SQUAT ROUTINE a waste of time?

    yea front squats would make it easier to bail out and i could then use more weight---do you get the same benifits from front squats as you do from squats?
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    Is this SQUAT ROUTINE a waste of time?

    I,m sure others have had a situation similar---wanting to do squats but no spotter and no rack--now if i put 300 lbs on the bar and do 8 to 10 reps or until failure,then How do I get it off my back??? so,instead I,ll try a much lesser weight so I can bail out myself--well is this 'much lesser...
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    Is this SQUAT ROUTINE a waste of time?

    Ive been doing deads for a long time-- but i really liked the feeling of the squats--even though it was small weight it fried my hamstrings like nothing else----I want to keep doing them--I,m just asking to get alittle more insight on the routine I currently have--ya know if its muscle...
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    Is this SQUAT ROUTINE a waste of time?

    Due to not having a power rack or any other type of squat machine ( I only workout at home,by myself) I am doing a routine that is restricted because I need enough in me to be able to lift it back off my shoulders and down to the ground when I am done with the last rep--so--I,m only doing for...
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    Whats your favorite BB body part?

    my arms have always been my favorite(18"+) but now,since my traps have gotten so big they seem to really reflect my BB efforts-and lately whenever someone notices my size they usally comment on my neck(I know they really mean my traps) whats your favorite?
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    if you could only do one of these which one would it be?
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    A Great Postworkout Drink

    Mostly all protein drinks need to be mixed with milk or water,which when mixed with water tatse terrible. Allthewhey have no interest in this co., other than to share a good product with other bros) has a protein powder that is ABSOLUTLY tasteless and extremly fine ,so it mixes...
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    Fina cough without FINA!

    Since the coughing was the exact same as the fina cough i have had(maybe 15 times in the last 2 yrs) then I would say that the fina cough does not come from fina itself,but from the speed of the gear that's injected.
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    Fina cough without FINA!

    Couldn,t believe it but this morning I injected 2 1/2 cc's of test cyn(500mgs) into my glutes and I had the exact same reaction I have had when injecting fina. The test is from a us phamacy.The only thing I can think of was that it was injected pretty fast. has anyone else ever got the fina...
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    Why is it we all seem to have the mentality

    yea yea--ok i was only kidding anyway--so all in all i learned some thing here--TO KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT!-- only kidding I,m on my last month of gear now and look forward in a way to be clean--(for only 2 months) but it'll be nice to be able to jog again and not have the shins that the gear...