Why is it we all seem to have the mentality

I'll add some comments...

machine99 said:
Ok so by using a same amount of deca in all your cycles you are hoping that this will help your lipid profile. Ok well I could throw that into my cycles, might help.

Again, I need to explain this further. I have never had a cholesterol problem. Clearly, there are genetic factors involved because there are quite a few people who live a fairly healthy lifestyle yet have terrible profiles. I am not one of them. My poor profile was a direct result of exo AAS use, specifically dbol and testosterone @ 500mg/wk.

It's not my intention to use deca to fix my poor lipid profile because it's not a cholesterol specific drug (e.g., a statin). You can't use one AAS to fix another's sides in this case. I expect my cholesterol profile to return to baseline simply by dropping my testosterone levels back into physiological range (based on the comments made by SWALE - a HRT doc who frequents the Internet boards) and not using dbol or any 17-AA drug for that matter . So don't expect Deca to fix your lipid profile while you're slamming a bunch of other stuff.

I found a company that will provide bloodwork requisitions to a local lab for my bloodwork, and their prices are extremely reasonable. I think the cholesterol profile was like $30. So I'll monitor this panel periodically and will be able to tell how I'm doing.

As far as causing irreverisble damage, by using what dose? 750-1000mg/week? Do you have any studies that show the permenant side effects from these doses over 600mg/week of test which had relatively low amount of sides.

I think you're talking apples, while I'm talking oranges. I'm not as concerned about the immediate sides from AAS. We all know that they're temporary. I'm concerned about the anomalies that the side effects leave behind long after they've disappeared. This is a problem because, as far as I know, there have been no long term studies performed on AAS users. Like I said earlier, just because things look good on the surface doesn't mean that something bad is happening on a microscopic level. And I know that there are no guarantees in life, blah, blah...But I can control what I put in my own body, and knowing what I've read, seeing the results of some of my own tests, this is the direction that I've chosen for myself.

Also with primo and anavar these are steroids that are always considered "safer" when considering your blood pressure, cholestrol. But of course everything has side effects.

Again, just because there may not be any readily apparent sides caused from these drugs does not mean that they are not adversely affecting your physiology in some manner. Look at Parabolan...That drug was pulled after many years of use for a reason and it seems to have been due to renal problems. Well just what do you feel when your kidneys are failing. The fact is you don't feel anything until it's too late. I have an older friend (bodybuilder and former AAS user) who suffered complete renal failure and he told me he went years without any symptoms whatsoever until, one day, his kidneys just stopped working altogether.

What would be supraphysiological dose of GH?

GH is tricky because everyone metabolizes this drug so differently. Also, the half life is so short. That's why you test your somatomedin-C serum level to determine if you're GHD. So any dose of exo GH that pushes your IGF-1 level out of physiological range would have to be considered supraphysiological.

what would be high and what would be too high according to the studys that this info is based on.

not a study, bro...just information from HRT docs like SWALE that they have witnessed firsthand from their patients. You would have to have your hormone panels checked after reaching a steady state at a given dose to determine if that dose is correct for you.

Thanks for the compliment.
tugs said:
By putting butter on your pancakes you can be creating a unhealthy chol level.eventually it can create a risk for a heart attack.

That's why I don't use butter or margarine for that matter. LOL! Bro, you probably think I'm lying but I'm absolutely serious. I have taken extreme measures in my diet and they DIDN'T DO JACK for me while taking AAS. That's the take home point here.
yea yea--ok i was only kidding anyway--so all in all i learned some thing here--TO KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT!-- only kidding
I,m on my last month of gear now and look forward in a way to be clean--(for only 2 months) but it'll be nice to be able to jog again and not have the shins that the gear causes--or even to be able to walk and not be out of breath.I,ll miss my wife putting in those gluts shots though.
Wanted to throw in my .02 here.

I'm 47 and it seems like after this year especially I've had an enormously bad time trying to put on muscle.

I gain weight VERY easily and in the last three years have successfully:

lost 80 pounds.

quit smoking.

run 4 miles a day.

I did a lot to adjust my diet, training and lifestyle.

I will continue, but at this time and especially for my age I definitely need help to keep what I have struggled for.

I am very concerned at this point whether it's worthwhile to gamble what is good overall health to add muscle, or just take my lumps and go downhill. What bothers me is I don't know what kind of long term effects this would have on me and whether I could maintain this kind of lifestyle into let's say 60's.

For those of you in your late 20's - early 30's if I'm still around I'd love to hear from you just to see if you're in good health and that living this lifestyle paid off in the long run.

I am considering a low dose just to keep myself in shape, and agree with much of what goldenear posts. I don't believe that I would to jeopardize my health in any way just for a few extra pounds of muscle. Most of what all of us want is available to us through diet and training, the additional 10% is where we all need that boost from time to time to get us to the next level.

The question for me is am I happy with what I have now and is it worth the risk (in more ways that one) to get to that next level?

For me it's going to be more like HRT than trying to get any better than what I am now. Not sure I could live with poking myself twice a week for the rest of my life. We'll see what the future is like.
Congrats on your successes. HRT is nothing to sneeze at bro! You will benefit tremendously by maintaining a high normal testosterone level. No doubt about it! Combine that with a bit of GH to push your IGF-1 levels up to the point where they used to be, and you'll be livin' large while maintaining a healthy drug program. Check out Dr. Ronald Klatz' book "Grow Young with HGH" for some more info.
Thanks for the info, I'll definitely look for that book.

I think the basic tenant is and it's been said so many times in so many ways that you can do so much WITHOUT having to resort to "supplements". It's getting to that point first which is usually the most difficult.

I get a kick out some of the guys on these boards who are gaining 10-30 pounds and enormous strength on what amounts to nothing more than sesame oil. Your mind is the most powerful muscle, exercise it regularly.

For me, I know my body's old and has been very abused over time, the old saying " If I knew I was going to live so long, I would've taken better care of myself" really was written for me,
I think. :D
Morgan your goals and concerns seem well suited for Growth Hormone at a low dose. This would be perfect to maintain muscle add a little and would also be ideal for weight loss especially around the waist. Maybe a low dose of enanthate also say 300 mg per week or maybe 400. Email me we can chat more about this if you like my friend. Have a great day.