Cardio and lift on same day--which to do first?


New member
Do to my work/home schedule I need to combine these--I usally do cardio for 20 to 30 min 3x wk and lift 3x a wk--i was thinking doing cardio first then drink a pre wporkout drink and then lift for 30 to 40 min
i workout first for 45 min. then i do my cardio for about 30

i find that i am too weak to workout hard when i do cardio first......
yea that was going to be my plan but if I worked out first I would then drink my post workout drink after the workout but then I wouldn,t benfit from doing cardio on an empty stomach.
i don't drink my post workout drink after my workout....i wait until i am done with both workout and cardio......
as soon as i finish my workout, i always finish it up with either abs or calves.....they don't take too much out of me.....and then it's straight onto the stair stepper/ bike/ whatever for 30 or so minutes......i never have time to take a break between my workout and cardio because of my schedule....can't waste any time.....
I used to run then lift. I felt the cardio would loosen me up. The run just took too much out of me though. Now I left then run. No time between.
I have to agree that cardio first impedes weight triaing intensity

I walk on a treadmill @ a speed of 3.8-4.0 for 10 minutes with a slight incline first, that gets the blood flowing and the heart rate up, then I do weight training, after that I do another 15 minutes of cardio. make sure you have a post workout shake within 15 minutes.

on cardio only days, I do 40 minutes split between eliptical stepper and treadmill. i occassionally throw the bike in there. I just moved and there is a high school right down the road with a big ass stadium, so i think i will be doing stadiums on saturdays.
cardio after for me, my kinesiology teacher who is an aerobics instructor pleads that you should do cardio after your lifting because you have already depleted your energy (carbs, glucose), so then you can get into your fat deposits and shed those love handles.