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  1. CzarShel

    Tren and DBol???

    Oh yeah gyno is always a factor especially with dbol's but I've never been very prone to gyno, and I have a rigorous anti-e regiment. I was thinking of some kind of drug conflict, It seems I remember something about tren and dbol not going good together but it just doesn't come to mind right...
  2. CzarShel

    Tren and DBol???

    I've been out of training for a few months now and taking lot of appetite killing pain meds, as a result I've lost allot of weight I'd like back now :) I was thinking Tren but tren always has a leaning effect on me, good for cutting but not so good for bulking so I was thinking D-Bols and Tern...
  3. CzarShel

    question about clomid

    bigworm6 Before you get banned let me just say we DO NOT post or talk about ANY sources on this board. That being said you should shop online at : Please be sure to use me MuscleChemistry Site Rep " CzarShel " a referral
  4. CzarShel

    My Grandfathers Death

    Thank you so much everyone
  5. CzarShel

    My Grandfathers Death

    My Grandfather didn't wake up 3 days ago he had slipped into a coma in the night, a CAT scan did not show enough detail to tell what happened, but it was probably a stroke, he awoke from his coma and said to me that since my grandma had passed away 2 years ago he has prayed to join her everyday...
  6. CzarShel

    Engineered viral delivery of IGF-1 for huge muscles

    Heres a good article I found about putting in a gene via a virus that makes your body produce IGF. Engineered viral delivery of IGF-1 for huge muscles For quite a few years now, bodybuilders and athletes have known about the anabolic properties of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-I). When...
  7. CzarShel

    anadrol...taste test???

    well other than being very familiar with the looks of the legit gear, you can send off to a private lab for testing, some labs run only about 35 bux. I just try to keep up to date with the good gear and trusted people to get it, and wait for the acne that's my fist thermometer of legit gear, lol
  8. CzarShel

    are there any interferaces with mohn in your expirence?

    Give us a littlie more detail about what you mean by "mohn" and I can prolly help, but I'm like Presser, I've heard of any pharmaceutical, prodrug, or herbal by the name mohn?
  9. CzarShel

    dbol and nolvadex......

    dbol is one of the most aromatizeing ones out there, when I take em I always use an "anti" like Femara, or Armidex,and also add a blocker like Nolva. Howevere I also keep extra Nolva handy incase I get soreness or puffyness
  10. CzarShel

    Help with a SHIC

    Man I took a SHIC this mornin and I thought I was gonna need some help there for a while!!. .....sorry I couldnt resist its early
  11. CzarShel

    How to split HCG 5000?

    Keep it in the refrigerator after mixing, it will stay good for a littile while, mesure with a syeringe, dont shake it after mixing.
  12. CzarShel

    Advise!!!on ...

    I agree I wouldnt trust that stuff it hasnt been tested like real gear, its expencive, and the only way I might use it is as a suplement to a real cycle.
  13. CzarShel

    is it ok

    I've used alot of both and I like test eth dived in 2 weekly shots, your sus250 is a combo of 4 test esters that have differnt lenths of time they work and lots of people love it for once a week however it always causes me and others I know a fairly painful spot at the injection site, on me that...
  14. CzarShel

    Lean Bulker

    1ml of liquifem/ day 2.5mg, might want to take Aqua-Dex ( AKA Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) too for a blocker.
  15. CzarShel

    Now wait just one minizzle!

    Is this blue liquid or tabs were talking about, is it even labeled?
  16. CzarShel


    I think Elmonizzle is right on that point that stuff is crap.
  17. CzarShel

    what should i take

    southside, be shure and do some post cycle theropy after your cycles to recover your natural hormone levels and prevent post cycle side effects. Like HCG, clomid, Nolvadex. My typical post cycle recovery plan is the last week of my AAS cycle I do an HGC shot, that will jump start you endocrin...
  18. CzarShel

    distended bellies

    Yeah around the stomach is where test causes males to store fat, as opposed to females who get it on the thighs and ass.
  19. CzarShel

    Movie-Super size me

    What do yall think about eating fast food to try to gain weight while bulking on gear, hiting the iron doing cardio and all that good idea or bad?
  20. CzarShel

    What are you gonna be for Halloween

    What are ya'll gonna be for Halloween, my chick wants to get cosumes and go to partys allnight but I cant really decide what to be..........