Advise!!!on ...


New member
Hey guys...i need som advise on 1-Ad...100mg going on a 2week cycle first 2 days im going to take 2 3x a day and then every day after that im going to take 3 3x aday...does that sound good? what should i expect as far as sideffect are concerned ...what about gains...and finally should i stack it with anything?
bro, I would never waste my money on that shiet! Its expensive and you can sometimes get same side fx as real gear. But never the same gains. If you are going to risk that then you should just use real gear. You have to post your diet, training, stats. Also that stuff does not work for everyone. I have had friends who spent a ton of cash on that stuff. and just ended up with really bad acne. I have yet to hear anyone say that gear has not worked for them. I think this would be better answered in the General conversation forum.
Elmonizzle said:
bro, I would never waste my money on that shiet! Its expensive and you can sometimes get same side fx as real gear. But never the same gains. If you are going to risk that then you should just use real gear. You have to post your diet, training, stats. Also that stuff does not work for everyone. I have had friends who spent a ton of cash on that stuff. and just ended up with really bad acne. I have yet to hear anyone say that gear has not worked for them. I think this would be better answered in the General conversation forum.
bump ph are crap
I agree I wouldnt trust that stuff it hasnt been tested like real gear, its expencive, and the only way I might use it is as a suplement to a real cycle.