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  1. L

    Switching up the IGF Pinning

    Bump for vet members...
  2. L

    Switching up the IGF Pinning

    Thanks bro! I agree as well that there should be more personal info here since dosages tend to be all over the chart. I have heard up to 200-300mcgs! Like you said though, I think the duration needs to be long and also the doses high. And if you combo it with GH, then that could be a problem...
  3. L

    Switching up the IGF Pinning

    Another question in which we should get info on is this question: are there more available receptors AFTER training than before?? Articles stated that the IGF would remain in the pinned muscle more post than pre, therefore making it more effective for growth?
  4. L

    Switching up the IGF Pinning

    That's the same info I was reading. I am wondering at what dose and for how long for it to affect your intestines or organs. I know guys been on it here for years. They should comment here. I doubt a run of 8 weeks would cause that unless your doses are crazy high.
  5. L

    Deadlift and Squat in the same week?

    I do both in the same week as well. At least 5-6 sets of each. I dont go crazy with the reps though since I like to at least get 6 in on my last set.
  6. L

    Switching up the IGF Pinning

    With the articles you read Presser, did you see the info on how the IGF looks for more receptors in the body after leaving the pinned muscle? That was the only thing that stood out. It referenced the intestines having the most receptors.
  7. L

    Andarine (S4) RESULTS

    Forgot to mention - no known sides that I can think of and definitely no vision issues in the 8 weeks.
  8. L

    Andarine (S4) RESULTS

    Great info on this. I was really not aware of the M1 issues. I just finished an 8 week run that was combined with Ostarine. But, I stayed at the 35mg recommended dose for 5 days now and 2 days off. With this dose, I probably was at very low risk of what was stated above. I think it did help with...
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    Mountain-Man 2016 lean bulking cycle.

    This thread rocks!
  10. L


    Thanks Presser for your help! Yes, I think leaving the dbol out for now would be wise. I will PM you back just one concern/question. But what you laid out is solid. Also read the last question I had about PCT. Thanks!
  11. L

    Switching up the IGF Pinning

    I'll try to find it again. It was research I was doing back in August.
  12. L

    Switching up the IGF Pinning

    So after 2 months of pinning preworkout with carbing up I decided to try pinning the muscle group immediately after now. I read a lot of material on how this method can actually retain more IGF in that specific muscle rather than roaming the body looking for additional receptors. Thus enhancing...
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    waiting for your feedback Presser and PLEASE chk your PM! :)
  14. L

    Naposim Uses and Dosages

    Good stuff bro!
  15. L


    BABY DICK HANDS!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA Nah, I actually have a big paw! LOL But I have 6 vials of each coming in. 100mg/ml 10ml/vial - Test Prop Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) - 100mg/ml 10ml/vial 6 EACH!
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    I have a handful of viles of NPP and Prop enroute. PSL. I was gonna be conservative on this first run and do maybe 300mg of NPP and 200-300mg Test Prop. Was gonna do like 8 weeks. Advice? - - - Updated - - - appreciate I will stop. Only wasted 3 pills. lol Didnt really feel...
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    I appreciate the help - so this was only my second day. Should I just stop until the rest arrives?
  18. L


    Curious though why dbol alone would be bad. But that's definitely not the cycle plan.
  19. L


    hey Presser - that was gonna be my next question. I actually have NPP and Test Prop on its way. I thought to kick it off with these for the first week and then get the NPP going. Do you think I should just start the test at that time as well? - - - Updated - - - Yep - white tabs in the foil...