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  1. L

    IGF-1 and Muscle Growth - A powerful mediator of Muscle Growth

    Great article. I am wondering how long these mice were on IGF. I know some guys cycle IGF. But what benefits can one expect from staying on longer than 8-12 weeks??
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    S4 / MK 2866 SARMS Combo Log

    hey guys! Wanted to check in and give an update. Everything seems to be moving along well. I will skip all the training details since it roughly remained the same as stated above. But here is the overview. In my 6th week of IGF now and my 4th week of SARMS. My weight for the most part is...
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    Euro pharmacies Proviron (25mg/tab):

    are there strength or muscles gains from this as well?
  4. L

    PUMPED!!! from IGF-1 lr3

    Wanted to actually was hurting to stretch my arms. Hahahah
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    PUMPED!!! from IGF-1 lr3

    Been waiting all day to get a min to post this. So its been about 5 weeks now on IGF. I am on 80mcg for on days and 40mcg on off days. Let me tell you....last night I hit 40mcg in each bicep. Immediately there is a a tighten feeling. The biceps are starting get tight and pumped...
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    S4 / MK 2866 SARMS Combo Log

    Furthermore Presser, he confirmed twice with me to do 5 on and 2 off for BOTH sarms. He said it would be effective and to give the receptors that short break. So if they were just pushing product, he wouldn't be telling me this. Seems like a solid company right there!
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    S4 / MK 2866 SARMS Combo Log

    I think the whole thing with S4 issues is dose related. I mean I am no expert and newbie with SARMS, but I have done a hell of alot of reading and video watching. Premier is recommending 35mgs and that is where I am staying. I believe their product is more potent and higher quality. One of the...
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    This is a GREAT read and just into my 3rd Week with PP SARMS. I have been on both Ostarine and Andarine. I have definitely noticed some strength increases overall and I can attest to the increased endurance. I feel like I can keep going at times and I have added in some extra exercises during...
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    S4 / MK 2866 SARMS Combo Log

    Hey fellas - just checking in as we almost wind down Week 2 of SARMS. In the past two workouts (legs and then chest/tris) I have saw another increase in weight. Almost every exercise with least the ones that matter. It would be either weight or pushing more reps. I saw an increase in...
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    enlarged liver?

    I've heard of Fatty Liver - I had that issue. Diet would help. But that may not be the same case for what you are saying.
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    S4 / MK 2866 SARMS Combo Log

    Thanks Presser. I'm trying hard my man and have been dedicated!
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    Best Steroid List for Cutting, Bulking Cycle. Beginners Guide to Stacking Anabolics

    Heard Great things about Masteron. I would consider that with Primo and Test Prop for Jan/Feb. I am trying to create the best combo for that building lean muscle/cutting cycle.
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    S4 / MK 2866 SARMS Combo Log

    I wish I did body measurements honestly. I know I gained size overall in my arms and such. A huge amount of progress has been made this year. Just to give you guys the full recap - Jan 2015 I was 321lbs. I had size all over. Size 52 jacket. Haven't been in a gym in 13 years. But its been...
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    S.A.R.M.'s: Examining the SARM LGD-4033

    ahhhh got it bro. Thanks
  15. L

    S4 / MK 2866 SARMS Combo Log

    Day 1 of Week 2 last night. Shoulders on the menu. Started with my usual overhead press on the hammer strength. Banged out 5 sets. felt good. Second time now finishing at a higher weight than before. I normally jump up by 20lbs on each set. On the last set, I bumped up to 30lbs. I then worked in...
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    S.A.R.M.'s: Examining the SARM LGD-4033

    Good read for LGD - I heard alot of good things on this SARM as a bulker. Odd though on the info for Andarine S4 being a failure based on this write up. First time I heard that. Many great articles on S4 for fat loss and muscle hardening.
  17. L

    MC IGF-1 Is No Joke.

    yea bump! I wanna hear about the quad and trap pinning! LOL
  18. L

    S4 / MK 2866 SARMS Combo Log

    Friday was my 4th training day of the week, but my 5TH day on SARMS. It was BACK and Bi's. I will sum this one up quickly. Definitely saw more strength on back. I added on some more weight on my deadlifts. Started with 4 sets. Continued with wide grip seated rows, reverse grip pulldowns on the...
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    S4 / MK 2866 SARMS Combo Log

    Big E - how long have you been on so far?? Ok, so Week 1 wrap. I reported the first two days above with what I saw. Now my third day in was Wednesday, day before Thanksgiving. I had chest / tri's on the schedule. Now I started with my usual routine: DB Flat Press, Smith Incline Barbell, Incline...
  20. L

    MC IGF-1 Lr3 arrivedv best shoulder workout in years!

    ahh ok - thx bro. Yeah I am feeling good on the 80mcg of IGF. But I am eating well too. I am pounding the oatmeal right after with a scoop of whey. PLUS I sip on Waxy Maize while training with BCAAs. I maintain my off days with just 40mcgs. But your suggestion with the Oatmeal was key. I feel...