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  1. J4CKT

    Ever puked after squats?

    funnily enough i felt sick from deadlifts rather then squats.. although i do understand its generally from when you are doing real heavy weight for what you are used to. When it happened after deadlifts i had just moved up in weight.
  2. J4CKT

    synthetek vs clenbuterol

    -Clen will burn more fat -Clen will also have more sides Stick with safe, completely side free products unless theres is a good reason to take the extra risk.
  3. J4CKT

    Free Syntherol!

    Because they are uneducated and think that it's cheating not realising how the product actually works... ie. ill just shoot oil in my arms and look bigger. Hang on this has a familiar ring to it.... Didn't those same people think steroids were cheating too...? ie. man, what a cheater, the...
  4. J4CKT

    Site inject limits

    There is a big difference between 3 ml of Syntherol and 3 ml of gear in terms of the physical inflammation. The inflammation you get when when doing Syntherol is purely from the trauma of the pin breaking through the skin and tearing through some muscle fibers. The oil itself is pretty...
  5. J4CKT

    ((((((((((SYNTHETEK PRODUCTS))))))))))

    Check out this thread, should have just about everything you need about Synthelator. Contest Preparatory Question: SYNTHELATOR & others - Professional Muscle
  6. J4CKT

    ((((((((((SYNTHETEK PRODUCTS))))))))))

    I wish I did bro, you know as much as I do at this point haha.
  7. J4CKT

    Liver protectants?

    For what it does I have no problem paying a little extra.
  8. J4CKT


    Can't really go wrong with dosing as long as your taking it. I use the Synthetek's Glutamine and their dosing recommendation is: -5g, once a day on non-training days -5g, twice a day on training days. I assume the second dose is pwo as suggested already.
  9. J4CKT

    Site Enhancing Oils (synthol) - a how to guide

    Great idea! Excellent info from Big A up there.
  10. J4CKT

    Synthetek Industries

  11. J4CKT

    Free Syntherol!

    LOL! You know that would be somewhat amusing if the exploded arm actually had ANYTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH Syntherol or any other SEO.
  12. J4CKT


    You won't get deformed from 'that shit' if you simply follow the protocol that has been written specifically for that product and been used by thousands of people now. Also, if you for some reason do not like the shape that you are creating when using syntherol, just stop use... its not...
  13. J4CKT

    Long Term Show Prep Strategy

    Sounds exciting dude, hope you take plenty of progress pics and maybe start a log would be awesome to read about your experiences.
  14. J4CKT


    Bump, If you're still around would love to know how you went with this.
  15. J4CKT

    Syntherol Users Look Here

    The rear head.
  16. J4CKT

    Syntherol Users Look Here

    I did bis and tris. I will definitely run it again sometime in the future, but the hard part is trying to have a quite month lol. Because there is a fair degree of discomfort aswell as the sheer number of injections required every day. Although I have a feeling the calf pain would be a fair bit...
  17. J4CKT

    Syntherol Users Look Here

    I have finished mine - gained roughly 1' - 1.5' and still got it. But I am not yet ready to share pics as I am not happy with the way I look just yet. When I am, I will share pics.
  18. J4CKT

    Syntherol Users Look Here

    How did you with running Syntherol in your shoulders? EDIT: Just realised jrtlover was banned.
  19. J4CKT

    I need some help with syntherol

    Are you planning on running it again? Arms or something else?
  20. J4CKT

    Liver protectants?

    It is. It's used by many pros and amateurs alike.