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  1. buffgrandpa

    view new messages?

    Ah man, the little black box with the yellow arrow pointing down shows you which threads or responces are new since the last time you visited the forum. It seems to only refresh every couple of hours though, so if you are in and come back 10 minutes later the same messages will still have the box.
  2. buffgrandpa

    My Jaw Gets Pumped Up From Eating

    Does it happen when you're eating your girl too? Hey just wandering... OK so I did have a couple of drinks tonight. LOL
  3. buffgrandpa

    cobra333 's girlfriend

    Bump .. Sorry I agree with Dedprez this needs as many bumbs as the "post whore" thread. LOL
  4. buffgrandpa

    American Idol

    Watched what?
  5. buffgrandpa

    cobra333 's girlfriend it's up by his "I want to be a mod" post. LMFAO
  6. buffgrandpa

    GEAR101 Next cycle

    Drink lots of water. LOL Like Gear is really looking for advice for his cycle. :-)
  7. buffgrandpa


    I wonder if Cobra posted this or his girlfriend. :-)
  8. buffgrandpa

    Teeth Guards

    Ok so this is a little off the wall. Any of you guys wear teeth guards when you're working out? I keep catching myself gritting/grinding the hell out of my teeth trying to squeeze out those last couple reps on several exercises.
  9. buffgrandpa

    What's The Best Way To Post Whore?

    Too bad you don't get like 1/2 post for viewing threads, hell I'd be a moderator by now. LOL
  10. buffgrandpa

    Ring or Juice?

    Too bad dude. I've been married 20 yrs. The stupid biotch lost her ring after we had been married 1 1/2 yrs and never got another one and she's still here. Wish I would have know about gear back in those days.
  11. buffgrandpa

    customer feedback

    A good cal-mag-zinc suppliement always works for me. What does this "suppliment" have in it?
  12. buffgrandpa

    What's The Best Way To Post Whore?

    Shit I may be a "newbie" for ever....Don't get me wrong, I'm a whore as much as anyone....just not posting. :-)
  13. buffgrandpa

    cobra333 's girlfriend

    Hey who was the guy the other day that was asking "ring or juice"? Hope he reads this post. A very wise old man once told me "If it wasn't for that split tail between their legs, we'd hunt them like rabbits"
  14. buffgrandpa

    Need Some Inspiration!

    I always post the "D" cup girls from MD magazine on the wall behind my cable pull machine plus college is starting at the Gym, that can get the old test flowing..
  15. buffgrandpa

    Gym music!!!!

    Damn, Kossdh posting when drunk again. LOL Got a small MP3 player that holds about 16 songs at 192 MHz. Listen to mostly stullf like Ozzy, Papa Roach, Rob Zombie, POD but every once in a great while, load your player up with shit from the Rocky movies and see what happens.
  16. buffgrandpa


    Man, glutamine, creatine and ALA....why wouldn't you. They are cheap and some of the most trusted shit out there. Just Gravy for everything else.
  17. buffgrandpa

    Deca Returns to US Pharmacies!

    What mb... need some help loading the truck. :-)
  18. buffgrandpa

    50 MG Winny length

    So you think it would be a better idea to stop the winny now, run the tren for 6 weeks then run the last 6 weeks of winny after the tren is gone?
  19. buffgrandpa

    nfl predictions

    I'm with ya J ... been rootin for those stupid Broncos since about '73...still do it every year...been a few good, but mostly not so good...but here we go again. :-)
  20. buffgrandpa

    50 MG Winny length

    Been running both, that and the little yellow stop signs. Been great, since I have bad shoulders I had trouble doing anything with my chest. was doing warm ups with 50# dumbells and sets with70's until the pain got too bad. Yesterday, did warm up's with 85's and sets with 95's...those F*&$*ing...