Need Some Inspiration!


New member
Hey bro's,
I need some help here, for the past few wks so much drama in my life has made my workouts trash! I'm talking about 30min a workout maybe twice a wk and that's about it. What are some motavations or inspiring things that help get you going? Any input is welcome?? Thanks Guys
What are your goals? One thing that has helped me in the past has been to think about and write out my goals (both short and long term). Visualising achieving them seems helpful as well. And telling other people about your goals (so they can congratulate you on your progress, and so you are afraid to fail) has also helped me.

Also, hearing other people's success stories can be inspirational, especially if they have achieved what you are hoping to.
Yeah, pictures are great as well! Good call Big Guns! I was thinking that, and then forgot to write it! :)
I always post the "D" cup girls from MD magazine on the wall behind my cable pull machine plus college is starting at the Gym, that can get the old test flowing..
You can try heading over to the members pictures section. Before and after pictures can be really inspirational.
You're number one priority should be to solve the drama and clear it out of your head. You can do whatever you want, but with the drama in your head, it ain't gonna do much.

Doing fun high-adrenaline stuff helps to imrove my mood. I have a season pass for SixFlaggs and when I feel down I go there to ride rollercoasters all day long. Really makes you feel great.
Motorccyles rides are also great.

However, nothing beats a real good conversation about the drama with a good friend (preferable a girl) and some huggs!! A big hugg from one of my friends always does the trick. Pitty she isn't always around!

I guess it has nothing to do with workouts, but from what I read in your post I assumed you are not likin 'm due to mental issues. Whenever I feel blue I don't feel like workin out myself and whenever I feel happy, sporting is the first thing that comes into my mind.
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Don't know what your stats or goals are, but when I get into a workout "funk" (just don;t feel like lifting, etc) I start cutting - and running or mountain climbing/hiking/canoeing - big time.

This way, I'm still working on my body but in a way that helps me clear up my head...tackling a mountain on a 3 hour climb, or canoeing formiles in the wild, has a way of working muscles and burning fat - and you can't quit "half way." :)
CYber-they have six flags in Belgium?!

BJ-maybe you just need some time off to regroup/relax. You're not cycling right now, right?
Yeah Six Flags took over two of our theme parks. My season pass also allows me to go to Warner bro's Movie World in Germany, to Six Flags Holland, and to a couple of other Six Flags parks in France.
I got a huge poster of arnie in my room that i look at first thing in the morning and it usually gives me some inspiration.
Being Built like a brick Shit House means this on my face!

Motivation enough!


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Work-out to help love life, Not to live. If your true to yourself--somedays it`s OK to just say Fu(k it. Eat the bear tomorrow!