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  1. charliebigspuds

    Does anyone still sell Pure Ephedrine HCL without the guaifenesin bullshit?,22 there ya go..please reomove if against US rules..
  2. charliebigspuds

    Trenbolone vs. Equipoise

    PPFFFTTT pmsl as i spit out my lunch
  3. charliebigspuds

    Fina pellets...are they still around?

    IMHO mate there is no need at all to even think about pellets you can still get them but is it realy worth the hassle of 2-3 days of messing about when for the same price you can get tren ace/hex/ ect ok you might get only 50ml instead of the 100ml you get from the pack of pelets but its a no...
  4. charliebigspuds

    Lowering Testosterone Levels for TRT Script with Birth Control Pill

    I heard a few days of drinking followed by the pill will give you really low blood scores on day of test. Make what you will of it I've never done it. And I know you don't drink presser. - - - Updated - - - But I could be just good old bro science. Lol.
  5. charliebigspuds

    Info on test 500

    Around 300 330 for a single estre is the most you can go with out it crashing or crazy pip But mixing estre will allow for a higher mg. example test E test D. Would be a good one with not to much pip But I've never tried 500 mg. also the trouble is it can get so thick it takes a while to pin. Lol.
  6. charliebigspuds

    new member

    Welcome bro
  7. charliebigspuds

    Marissa Rivero McGrath

    i would suck the shit out of that ass...MMMmmmmm
  8. charliebigspuds

    Once I Was Champion - Evan Tanner Documentary

    Good watch. Makes you think right.
  9. charliebigspuds

    Time for some veins Psl EP EQ

    I'm really not to sure about the calf business. Any one else do it. ??
  10. charliebigspuds

    Ive seen it all Now! The GayGYM

    The shaker weight and this. That's a full body workout. Watch out for over training bro.
  11. charliebigspuds

    My Mexican Stockpile

    That's what i thought.
  12. charliebigspuds

    Testosterone Undecanoate - 250mg/ml 10ml/vial EP from PSL

    I like deca. I'm currently running test deca and nan deca. No pip. Last pin next week. Then prop/tren/win igf for a month then pct. will definitely use test deca again. I think test undeca. Would be great for TRT - - - Updated - - - Wtf. Lol.
  13. charliebigspuds

    How to shape up my inner tights?

    Kick backs with cable. Kick backs on smith machine. Lunges. Feet together leg press. Step ups with weight. Romanian deadlifts.deep Squats. Incline treadmill walk. Incline treadmill lunges. Pistol squats. Wife does all of these
  14. charliebigspuds

    Netflix Original Series "Narco" anyone watching it or watched it?

    Next once I finish Orange is the new black. Sounds real good not seen any yet.
  15. charliebigspuds

    Cycle #2 testosterone cypionate

    Time to blast brother.
  16. charliebigspuds

    Story behind your username???

    Charlie big spuds. My nick name is Charlie. And in my youth friends used to call me Mr big potatoes. As it means some one that has got some balls and will get in your face. So Charlie big potatoes became Charlie big spuds. Spud is short for potatoe. Just incase it means some thing else over...
  17. charliebigspuds

    What is your go to meal?

    Chicken cooked on a George Forman at work and broccoli I add to it if I need to, rice or pots. But mostly just the first two. Love a bit of bbq honey sauce on it. - - - Updated - - - I eat this 1-2 times a day 4-5 day a week.
  18. charliebigspuds

    Naps gear? Gp t3 Anyone have experience with it

    Sorry bro and i know a few peeps on this site that has used naps but not me. Never heard a bad word as Farr as I can remember. And I've been a round a while. But as I said no personal experience. Only thing I can remember is some one saying years ago about delivery time.