Search results

  1. M

    D-Bol Only

    What dose/day and could you run nova/prov instead of ldx
  2. M

    Thank You!!!!

    I just wanted to thank Presser and all hear at MC that make this board the best. What a great source of info and great people. Anyone with me on this!!!
  3. M

    Who trains at home??

    Dr. of Golf, your home gym sounds better than the rat hole I train at, what do you charge per month? LOL
  4. M

    girlfriend found out im fucked!

    Bignick, that was classic!!! LOL
  5. M

    Has anyone ever....?

    I think he means a overall sense of wellness, I get the same thing when on D-bol I feel grrrreat!!!
  6. M

    whats everyone using for their joints

    10 w 30 penzoil injection eod!!!!!! lol
  7. M

    girlfriend found out im fucked!

    Take out your aggression in the weightroom not on someone's head with a bat or you will have one more problem to add to your list. Always try to be honest with gear and the ladies. I know this is a tough call but honesty is the best policy when it comes to gear and girs. My wife was not happy...
  8. M

    D-Bol Only

    I figured as much just looking to see if anyone has done one and what the results are!
  9. M

    D-Bol Only

    Has anyone had any sucess with a D-Bol only cycle. I know this type of cycle is not advised and you need a test and bla bla bla. Just curious to see if anyone has had positive results and what doseage, length and what type of D-Bol used. Also what PCT used?
  10. M

    bigger azz with t400

    What size dart are you using? when I use a 23 g 1 ' I was fine.
  11. M

    M 1 Test Results

    How soon do you think it will be off the market?
  12. M

    M 1 Test Results

    Just curious to see the results anyone has had on the stuff. I have been taking 20mg/day for two weeks and my results have been almost comparable to when I was on D-bol. Up almost 10 lbs. and strength has gone through the roof. Also getting great pumps!!!! How long should I cycle this for...
  13. M

    This is a great board but.....

    My first was deca at 400mg/week and test e at 500 mg/week and d-bol at 35mg/day for the first 4 weeks great 1st cycle was up almost 30 lbs. and strength went through the roof.
  14. M

    For the guys and the gals

    gift shop on the top of Mount Blanc in Europe with wife
  15. M

    Cycle help!

    How tall are you what is your exp with AAS, how long is this cycle going to be? not a real good combo just my .02
  16. M

    Sust or Test Ent ?

    Thanks for the feedback, I had sucess with the test so I will stick to that!!!
  17. M

    Sust or Test Ent ?

    Next cycle is going to be D-bol, Eq, and either test E or Sust finishing with winny. I have done test E in the past with good results. 500 MG/week with either deca or EQ Should I try something new ( sust) and will I still need the d-bol weeks 1-4 if I choose to use sust. Any advice is...