Sust or Test Ent ?


New member
Next cycle is going to be D-bol, Eq, and either test E or Sust finishing with winny. I have done test E in the past with good results. 500 MG/week with either deca or EQ Should I try something new ( sust) and will I still need the d-bol weeks 1-4 if I choose to use sust. Any advice is appreciated
so long as you know u must take sust ed or eod and at the furthest every 3 days apart for the first 4-5 weeks until ur long acting esters kick in or ur fucked with sides possibly, just a heads up as most people think they can take sus one or 2 times a week and it isnt so
I've done both and I'm going to have to go with Test Eth. from now on, unless someone wants to give me some extra Sust they dont need I'll gladly put it to good use :)