whats everyone using for their joints


Staff member
my shoulder and my elbow are close to falling off,lol, curious what u guys are using to get by, I need a quick lube job,lol
ive been using 5grams MSM powder in my orange juice every morning and havent suffered a single joint pain in the four months ive been using it.....I had fairly severe joint pain from super heavy lifting. Now I dont get tendonitis or discomfort. Clucosamine and chondroitin work also, but I always forget to take my caps.
My girlfriend has been smoking all my joints!
..............ohhh wait you mean the other joints :) J/K .......but seriously I have been taking anti- inflammatory some otc like naoprox and some prescription stuff
shoulder help

hey presser my shoulders got fucked up and i went to the doc and got a shot of cortizone and it feels great know
im afraid I will make it worse with cortizone, but ill bet it would feel great,
no i wouldn't recomend the 10w 30 ....researchers say that the 5w 30 is far more easier and better for you engine!
the viscosity is all wrong on 10w 30 i need something a bit thicker cause i have some serious torque,lol
Cortisone shots aren't always the way to go. To not have any pain afterwards is very lucky from what I've heard. I suppose it also depends on where it's going. A friend of mine had a shot in the elbow for tendonitis and it hurt worse afterwards than the tendonitis! He couldn't even use his arm for a few days.

What exactly is MSM?
SAMe, from sams club.also a good antioxident for the lver and picks up your mood.I'LL have to try it while not on a cycle without deca and see,whats realy up.I went the msm chodroptin(sp) route but didnt help me at all.
You want to get serious about getting rid of your joint pain and get good lubrication, you need to get Adequan. This is a vet product and needs a prescription but you might be able to find it on one of the boards. Had a buddy take it for 4 weeks for his busted up knees, he can squat now he couldnt squat for almost 2 years. I'm sure it works great for shoulders too. I just got a cortisone injection in my shoulder a month ago and it feels great can actually do DB overhead presses again.
Good Luck
MSM takes a bit, take it with Vitamin C bro it works great in that combo and Vitamin E as well.
This is all you need, deca works good to but to expensive in the long run. especially if you are trying to stay clear of that.
Glucosamine, Chondroitin & MSM as a liquid seemed to help more than the tabs. A tens usit helped only when it was on. Went to an accupuncturist it helped for a week Then I did a 'prolotheropy craig pens tech' like from "William Faber DO" was off a week and then the tendon seemed to heal up. Its like accupuncture with electric current.
procard280 said:
You want to get serious about getting rid of your joint pain and get good lubrication, you need to get Adequan. This is a vet product and needs a prescription but you might be able to find it on one of the boards. Had a buddy take it for 4 weeks for his busted up knees, he can squat now he couldnt squat for almost 2 years. I'm sure it works great for shoulders too. I just got a cortisone injection in my shoulder a month ago and it feels great can actually do DB overhead presses again.
Good Luck

what would be the dose range here, im no horse, but would love to try this shit, my dam shoulder is throbbing now typing this shit

u also have a private message
Dosage for human usage is 10 mg/week split up into two injections for 4 weeks. Each bottle I believe is 5mg so you would use 2 bottles per week. This is for joint degeneration not for tendonitis, doesnt do a thing for tendonitis. This product helps to block the damaging enzymes in the joint and increase the amount of synovial fluid increasing the bodies ability to heal itself, at least that is what I've been told I'm sure someone could be more technical, all I know is my buddy thinks the shit is a miracle drug Good Luck
oh to still be young is such a grand thing, no complaining about sore joints or grey hairs or limp dick problems.lol. get better soon.:p