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  1. Dean Destructo

    Serequel- Any one take it before sleep?

    It's ok. I like it just fine lol.
  2. Dean Destructo

    King labs experience?

    Kings labs orals are G2G.
  3. Dean Destructo

    Winny/Var/T-bol Cut Cycle

    I don't "feel" much from Var either . No matter what brand. I notice two things with it though. Good var can make you get bubble guts . It makes you heat up. Definitely a mood enhancer. Hardly any pumps. The two things I always notice with Tbol are: Baby Dbol pumps. I love it. Not too much ...
  4. Dean Destructo

    Winny/Var/T-bol Cut Cycle

    1-2 G of good milk thistle daily. A lot of anti oxidants on top of that. I don't drink alcohol ever. Not that I am against it.
  5. Dean Destructo

    Serequel- Any one take it before sleep?

    Had trazadone for years. Doc put me on serequel .
  6. Dean Destructo

    Winny/Var/T-bol Cut Cycle

    4 weeks left Set the T-Bol aside and saved it for the last week of 8. 50mg Var / 50 winny I agree now that the full potential is not realized so I will be adding 300mg mast and 300 mg test prop respectively.
  7. Dean Destructo

    Serequel- Any one take it before sleep?

    I remember that. That is oldschool.
  8. Dean Destructo

    Winny/Var/T-bol Cut Cycle

    Hands down the most powerful oral. Very harsh though. Superdrol is great too.
  9. Dean Destructo

    Winny/Var/T-bol Cut Cycle

    Kingslabs - - - Updated - - - Hands down the most powerful oral. Very harsh though. Superdrol is great too.
  10. Dean Destructo

    Kinglabs rep

  11. Dean Destructo

    Serequel- Any one take it before sleep?

    Trazadone is on point.
  12. Dean Destructo

    Winny/Var/T-bol Cut Cycle

    Working great so far. - - - Updated - - - Also must add. Definitely is Tbol and not Dbol. Pumps are not near as intense, but there is zero aromitization so far. Nips are tight. Not sore at all.
  13. Dean Destructo

    Winny/Var/T-bol Cut Cycle

    Yes. Methyl 1 test Superdrol Both insanely powerful. I bought methyl one test off the shelf when it was legal.
  14. Dean Destructo

    What Is Your Longest Time Without SEX???

    I was on a deployment so I was forced to basically. technically I did get to one time with my wife in the middle so maybe it doesn't count.
  15. Dean Destructo

    Winny/Var/T-bol Cut Cycle

    They are so close it would be hard to tell. For me though , dbol gives me puffy nips until I'm off. This hasn't so far so fingers crossed.
  16. Dean Destructo

    What's your winny plus anavar dosing look like?

    It was not a good kind of energy. Felt like anxiety driven energy. Just didn't feel right to me. Also I noticed my body temp went way up on 100mg var ,just too much.
  17. Dean Destructo

    Winny/Var/T-bol Cut Cycle

    I normally don't use test when I run a lot of other compounds. It all ends up aromatizing. Especially Tren. I run tren alone or with a tiny dose of test. My natural test levels stay up while I am on usually.I have huge problems when I run more test than tren. I know it is opposite for most...
  18. Dean Destructo

    Winny/Var/T-bol Cut Cycle

    Started out Winny/Anavar cycle right now I am at 50mg Var, 30mg Tbol, 30mg winny