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  1. Dean Destructo

    What's your winny plus anavar dosing look like?

    I am @ the start of week 4 and it has evolved to 50 Var/ 30 Tbol/ 20-winny Trying to stay around the 100mg day mark total.
  2. Dean Destructo

    Legit research companies for peptides

    Very legit IGF LR3. Shipped with cold packs.
  3. Dean Destructo


  4. Dean Destructo

    What's your winny plus anavar dosing look like?

    Just gave me way too much energy. Felt like BP went up a little too much. Yeah just a little too harsh that high.Understandibly so.
  5. Dean Destructo

    What's your winny plus anavar dosing look like?

    100mg Var ended up being a little too much lmao. Dropped it back down. I am thinking 50/50 is the way to go as said before.
  6. Dean Destructo

    Dumb ass's at the gym

    This is why I bought a squat rack lol.
  7. Dean Destructo

    Dumb ass's at the gym

    I'm usually gasping for breath between my sets lol.
  8. Dean Destructo

    reputation comments

    I am upvoting your comments and giving you rep points. Your comments are good.
  9. Dean Destructo

    What's your winny plus anavar dosing look like?

    boswellia serrata for RA works wonders.
  10. Dean Destructo

    What's your winny plus anavar dosing look like?

    100 mg var plus 40 winny feels amazing. At the tale end I may switch to winny plus t-bol.
  11. Dean Destructo

    Any one use Epitalon?

    I think he means a true long term double blind study. And also if it actually lengthens life span and not just restore it.
  12. Dean Destructo

    30 Day DNP Cycle Log

    My buddy extensively used DNP. I noticed it would make him very lethargic.
  13. Dean Destructo

    What's your winny plus anavar dosing look like?

    Started out 50 var / 30 winny up to day 10.
  14. Dean Destructo

    What's your winny plus anavar dosing look like?

    You think 75 mg var plus 40 winny is overkill ?
  15. Dean Destructo

    Any one use Epitalon?

    It seemed to me that it restores the telemeres to original length. They used 60 year old subjects though. I really need to dive in on this subject more...
  16. Dean Destructo

    Serequel- Any one take it before sleep?

    It makes me feel great.