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  1. Dean Destructo

    Nolva vs Clomid

    Nolva hands down. IMHO and based on my research.
  2. Dean Destructo

    DD's Hairloss Help List . Stop that thinning!

    I started minoxidil when I was 18. Most start thinning much earlier than they notice. Now I am in my 30s and I am not bald, although genetics were against me.
  3. Dean Destructo

    Turinabol Cycle with Turanabol Tbol Dosage

    I would hit 20mg pre workout.
  4. Dean Destructo

    Superdrol Results versus Dbol Gains

    3 weeks is plenty for superdrol. A little longer with DMZ. With DMZ I would say even up to 6 weeks is fine.
  5. Dean Destructo

    DD's Hairloss Help List . Stop that thinning!

    About in this order: 1. DUTASTERIDE (AVODART) This is the big one. Huge difference for me at .5 mg ED. As well as helping the prostate. 2. Nioxin Cleanser Shampoo 3. 10 min daily scalp massage 4. Aminexil 5. Cheap minoxidil 6. EMU oil (It worked for frontal thinning.) THINGS THAT DIDN"T...
  6. Dean Destructo

    Steroids work if.

    YES! Perfect example is guys who use gear and don't lift or stop lifting abruptly. I know a guy like that. Big fat stomach, skinny fat, whole deal. It can actually take you BACKWARDS!
  7. Dean Destructo

    Turinabol Cycle with Turanabol Tbol Dosage

    Referring to cheque drops. Cheque drops are to knock bitches out of heat. Stay away from vet stuff lol.
  8. Dean Destructo

    Good Sleep = Gains

    Plenty of time to rest when you are dead.
  9. Dean Destructo

    Ideas or different MC IGF Dosing protocols

    100mg ED is the best for me.
  10. Dean Destructo

    Turinabol Cycle with Turanabol Tbol Dosage

    Nah. That stuff is not really that popular I would say.
  11. Dean Destructo

    A steroid becoming popular Test-1-cyp (DHB)

    Adding EO may help with the PIP.
  12. Dean Destructo

    How & When To Take IGF-1 Lr3 Cycle. Dosages and Storage Information. Best Peptide Lr3

    I know properly dosed IGF1 and sugar intake increase my strength by a fair amount on the next workout.
  13. Dean Destructo

    Turinabol Cycle with Turanabol Tbol Dosage

    Well. If you want some thing done right, do it yourself, or so I am told. You are right though. And think about this factor as well, companies hire the LOWEST bidders to do their work for them. That includes the medical industry.
  14. Dean Destructo

    Steroid Cycle Post cycle therapy (PCT). PCT Protocol and Dosages Information

    I would wait longer than 2 weeks for test cyp. More like 3-4 weeks.
  15. Dean Destructo

    New one

  16. Dean Destructo

    I’m disappointed thus far with Sarms Warehouse Cardarine & Ligandrol

    Seems like you should of had some effects by now if it was legit.
  17. Dean Destructo

    Well... Divorce starts tomorrow...

    UPDATE Seems like working out and eating right, plus sleep, has helped her , and my attitude 1000%.
  18. Dean Destructo

    Turinabol Cycle with Turanabol Tbol Dosage

    Not sure. That is worth finding out though.