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  1. Glen Whitestone

    Different Size Calves????

    I would say its with your balance. A back and neck injury could be healed but you may be off balance for good. A good track is to see how the soles on your shoes are wearing. If there are any differences this may be an indicator. I tore a rotator cuff years ago and to this day I have one...
  2. Glen Whitestone


    I have been going to the gym seriously for about 5+ years now. I have lost a bit of weight lately, about 15lbs or so. It sucks, I am going for my masters and while I have kept up with the lifting I stopped eating so much. I usually only eat 4x's a day now. It seems like I have gotten much...
  3. Glen Whitestone


    Squats, legs make me nauseus!
  4. Glen Whitestone

    Site enhancing oil question.

    Sytherol-What besides possible scaring or uneven gains are the sides? Can you drink on the stuff or do you have to lay off the booze and take some milk thistle and or crap like that?
  5. Glen Whitestone

    New workout! Never been done before.

    I am just bored so I thought I would change it up a bit. Different approach. I will do bulk day-just the big 3 followed by one supporting exercise for developement. Example Monday-deads, squats, bench. I will pair a few sets of widearm pull ups with my deads, leg press with squats and fly...
  6. Glen Whitestone

    Do you want to gain up to 3" of new muscle on your arms in 30 days?

    Yeah man, I'll give this a try. Need a bridge between gear and IGF.
  7. Glen Whitestone

    what is your favorite (healthy) meal?

    Some rare grilled London Broil seasoned with salt, black pepper and red pepper. Add a side of green beans steamed with some garlic and some butter substitute. I make some red patato salad with no fat mayo to go with it.
  8. Glen Whitestone

    winstrol question

    I would look into clen or an alternative. WInny is bad to do alone-it dries the joints. Any anabolic steriod doesn't make you loose weight, it just adds lean mass. A good anabolic to do alone would be primo but if you just want to loose weight try doing it naturally. Then I would look into clen.
  9. Glen Whitestone

    Told the girl about my "habits" tonight

    No man, you know those teddy bears you can have custom made? Have a bodybuilding one made and sent to her.
  10. Glen Whitestone

    i did it

    Yeah, I try that but in the end I always end up "back in the saddle again"! It feels good until about week 3 when you say, damn, wouldn't a beer be nice while I am watching the game. Then 1 turns into a few and then my willingness to fight the urge goes and I down about 8. But maybe I am just...
  11. Glen Whitestone

    Thank God I don't live near this place...

    Yeah, well, I would never join this gym. But someone actually cashed in on the fact that we all see every day, so many people quit. I respect those people more than I respect the people who get those trailer gyms to come to their homes. God only knows how much that shit runs an hour. Hell, I...
  12. Glen Whitestone


    I like when chicks say, I don't want to lift weights because I don't want to get all bulky like you. They think they will be like fucking Hulk Hogan from curling some dumbels every once in a while.
  13. Glen Whitestone


    The rep in NJ says everything is fine, up and running.
  14. Glen Whitestone

    Recovery periods

    Just wondering how long people let each muscle group recover before training again? I myself usually wait a week. Does anyone ever go more than a week?
  15. Glen Whitestone


    Yeah, I know a lot of motherfuckers like this. They think they know because they listen to the advice of a woman who works out to stay tone and or read a few magazine articles. I think most people grasp the protein intake of the diet but a few think that it will make them fat if they eat more...
  16. Glen Whitestone

    Bill the Butcher?

    Well, he could always re-join under a new name but I don't think hes the kind of dude that could keep his mouth shut and he would get booted off just as quick.
  17. Glen Whitestone

    Question - Estrogen..

    Yeah, I would not really worry about it occuring unless you do a cycle and look-you too young to train here man!-Fight Club, thank you. But no, you don't need a cycle now. So the estrogen in your body unless you have a naturally occuring medical condition in which case you would probobly know...
  18. Glen Whitestone

    Change base in mid cycle

    Well, then; what are some other suggestions besides tren??? I have ran test but I get this wierd red rash when running most test products so I cut it out. I have bad luck man, cut back on decca from 400mgs a week to 200mgs per week just so I can have normal sex. No, I don't want to be adding...
  19. Glen Whitestone

    Change base in mid cycle

    Due to a miscalculation and lost source I have to change my base in the middle of a cycle. What can I expect and should I keep it going a bit longer maybe? I was running EQ 400/mgs a week, decca-cut it to 200/mgs, d-bol 40mgs a day, + 40 of MC igf a day. Now I don't and cannot get anymore EQ...
  20. Glen Whitestone

    Bill the Butcher?

    BTB has not been around ever since he sparked that debate and got into a verbal argument about the race of certain people. Or was it something else that he left for. You should do a poll right now. Who says he's locked up in the clink? Who says he's sipping champagne in Medillin Columbia...