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  1. Glen Whitestone

    I wanna lose bodyfat and build muscle

    I myself am at around 7.5-8%. I have a fast metabolism and don't do cardio really. I do watch my diet-for me this works. I would just say you take some peoples advice and tool around with it until you find something that works. It is no good if you are not really going to follow it either.
  2. Glen Whitestone

    Best Chest building exercise?

    Well, good question but I think it is the sum of exercise that builds chest. The chest is a large area-there are many layers of muscles that make it up but it has three main strands of muscle-upper chest, mid and lower chest that adjoin together. The focus I think would still be on bench...
  3. Glen Whitestone

    Besides overeating what causes excess belly fat?

    Cortisol can cause extra fat but mostly due to poor diet. Cortisol is a stress harmone that can be stopped by taking glutamine after heavy lifting, cardio or stressful situations. Poor dieting can be eating poor foods or eating too little. A lot of people dont get the eating too little but...
  4. Glen Whitestone

    I wanna lose bodyfat and build muscle

    To loose b/f you want to keep eating. Eat every 2-3 hours-shakes can be taken to bridge meals. Body fat stores energy. If you keep the body fed then it will not need to store body fat. Eat good fats-olive oils, coconut oil, flaxseed oil, fish oils-these also burn stored fats. You don't have...
  5. Glen Whitestone

    Ever been sexually harassed?

    Okay, I have an issue here. I went to a wedding with my G/F-one of her friends. I was just kickin' it, totally fucked my diet, only ate 3 times that day, drank about 27 alcoholic drinks. Here is where it got bizarre. Amonst the brides friends was this dude that was flamboyantly gay. He was...
  6. Glen Whitestone

    Saturday Nights

    I fell to weakness myself this weekend. I tied one on both Friday and Saturday. Saturday I did not eat too much either. Just did not feel like it. It is work to eat all the time. I just wanted to chill, drink beer and and eat junk food. But this was all done in my own crib. No going out...
  7. Glen Whitestone

    Protein Powder

    I just buy the Higher Power Whey. Its like 24 bucks for 67 servings. I go through about 1 a month. I have tried many brands but I do't want to go too cheap like K-mart brand shit or have to pay through the nose for a bottle of BSN protein that cost like 75 bucks for like 20 servings.
  8. Glen Whitestone

    I need your advice...

    Okay, spam.
  9. Glen Whitestone


    Thats fucking disturbing. I feel violated for just seeing that pic.
  10. Glen Whitestone

    Penis surgery... It works!!!! HAHAHAHA

    Well its the dudes own fault. Cosmetic surgery blunders are ironic to me. Be happy with what you have you know. At least it worked now the dude probobly can't go near a chick with that thing. Probobly looks like a candle holder or something.
  11. Glen Whitestone

    Site Injection (Forearm)

    Yeah, I think it is mental. I thought my pain was going to get better taking deca but it did not. A forearm injury takes a long time to heal. Try to avoid certain exercises that put stress on the area, work out with lighter weights when training the forearms. Soft tissue injuries can take 6...
  12. Glen Whitestone

    I need your advice...

    Let me let you in on a little secret! They do not screen for gear related substances in 99% of drug tests. You see they have to specifically screen for it. You blood is not a total tell all thing someone can look at in a lab and say, "Oh, this dude had cherios for breakfast, ate an asprin...
  13. Glen Whitestone

    has this happened to anyone else?

    Here is a good tip I learned. Never hide stuff and then go get drunk. There is probobly a few hundred dollars of shit around here that will end up expiring before I ever find it. So I went out and got myself something good. A brief case with locks. See a safe or lock box would raise...
  14. Glen Whitestone

    Where do you shop???

    The hardest for me to find is drawers and dress shirts. With drawers the 32" waist is fine but the legs don't really fit. I have to buy boxer briefs and they wear like tightie whities. I always have to get dress shirts taylored. I can never buy off of the rack. I can still find pants out...
  15. Glen Whitestone

    Presser what's with my libido?

    What gives.. I am having problems. Maybe it was my mind that was poisoned and I don't know. First here is the medicine-60mcgs of IGF daily, 400mgs of eq weekly, 25 mgs d-bol, 200mgs Deca-durabolin. Now, why the limp noodle action the last couple nights I don't know. I had to start drinking...
  16. Glen Whitestone

    Best steak cuts.

    Just wondering what everyone likes or actually eats as far as red meat. I screw boring as grilled chicken and tuna, I can never get tired of steak. But what cuts do some of you go like or go for if dieting? I like a rare london broil myself-its pretty lean but if I am just going to eat a...
  17. Glen Whitestone


    Why not just do IGF man??? After all the HGH takes effect when the liver produces the IGF.
  18. Glen Whitestone

    Question on my Creatine

    It depends Normal-pre-loading is early creatine. With a good delivery system you do not require loading. The loading phase was created because creatine on its own absorbs poorly into the body. The new creatines have a delivery system that if you know what to look for you don't have to pay big...
  19. Glen Whitestone

    Question on my Creatine

    You should take the protein twice a day on training days. Before and directly after workouts like I said. If the protein has a direction it is probobly based on the standard dietary serving on a 2000 caloried diet which also means that 50g's of protein is you daily recommended intake total...
  20. Glen Whitestone

    Question on my Creatine

    The creatine should have directions but I would take it every day. The most favorable meathod is 45 minutes before and directly after workouts. In addition to post workout you should be taking some protein powder-raises your bodies natural growth harmone output. You should take...