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  1. MightyJohn

    Push's Cycle Log

    Thick looking for 170 Bro
  2. MightyJohn

    Masteron - down and dirty facts

    I love Masteron E...don't really need very much and vascularity sticks around well after Youre off
  3. MightyJohn

    Anavar who has the best brand of VAR at the moment?

    IsoVet makes good, inexpensive var as well
  4. MightyJohn

    Oral cycles only due to privacy issues.

    AN-A-DROL....that's all ;)
  5. MightyJohn

    UKANABOLICS test400 blend

    I just saw this...sorry for not responding...all good Bro...You guys are TOPS, scary fast & a lot of new awesome looking products & great reviews
  6. MightyJohn

    1 of the Deadliest Drug in BB

    I agree with the 1st part...all goes back to trusting Your source just like gear...also why I shoot so low with it 80-120mg need for sides or misery It's unfortunately dosed in 200mg caps(WAY TOO HIGH) and folks don't respect the 1/2 life of the drug...when they don't feel instant...
  7. MightyJohn

    Have anybody have they package lost by USPS

    An international disappeared a few months back...looked like it tracked correctly so either the postman delivered it to the wrong place or kept office did nothing, source did nothing all telling My friend to look at the if he dunno it wasn't put in his mailbox
  8. MightyJohn

    1 of the Deadliest Drug in BB

    Not even in the same category to be is a B 2 antagonist(ie stimulant effect)....DNP an uncoupler(heat/thermo side effects) Now the safe and proper way to use DNP is low dosed 80-120mg/daily...short cycle 7-12 days...low heat, no discomfort, complete damage that dose...
  9. MightyJohn

    1 of the Deadliest Drug in BB

    One of the best drugs that's abused too often & gets a bad rap because of it
  10. MightyJohn

    Anadrol vs Dbol - battle of the bosses!!

    Drol brings on vascularity with fullness...Dbol just makes many water buffalos
  11. MightyJohn

    I'm going to run a log of two cycles with different brands

    Pre-Workout Alphamine or Redline(powder) are My 2 go to's...nothing better then good ole' caffeine
  12. MightyJohn

    Delusion and Reality of Your Juicing.

    Yep its a good being in the genetic average LOL
  13. MightyJohn

    HGH and Test

    I've had the same problem when I was high GH and high carbs...caffeine was My counter
  14. MightyJohn

    Interesting news!Do you believe in this?

    Bigger, Faster, Stronger shows all the photoshop/air brush tricks for these scams
  15. MightyJohn

    Whats the craziest cycle you have ever taken?

    There's also the train of thought that when You spill over its counter productive...when Your body is fighting foreign substances, binders, possibly liver, kidney and immune system over worked...why many of Us have a sweet spot
  16. MightyJohn

    HGH and Test

    Take some caffiene
  17. MightyJohn


    Arnoldism or O'Hearnisn - Appearing to be aesthetically perfect an any other man on earth at that time - a life devoted to self aestheticism
  18. MightyJohn

    Whats the craziest cycle you have ever taken?

    Years back: Test 1800 Drol 75(was shitty ug) GH 6iu Adex 1mg(EOD)...put on easy 20lbs, didn't keep much of it...better, lower dosed combos these days
  19. MightyJohn

    Whats the craziest cycle you have ever taken?

    MM do You believe in Duchaine's theory of post mediated growth(new pathway over 4 grams)?
  20. MightyJohn

    GH & Carpel Tunnel

    I think I'm right about Your age and the tren, deca, winny, T3, DNP(over 50mg/day), short acting esters...huge fan of low test, var, mast e these days