Have anybody have they package lost by USPS


What do you do?
Do you chalk it up as a lost ? Do you try and complain to the sender or the post office(not).

Do you fine a next sender .
Your thoughts and comments is greatly appreciated.
Thanks ham31
I had it happen a few times last year I complained but not with anger they found one but never got the other back just be calm and explain u never recived and give them your tracking numbe
Did that bro still waiting . Going on 16 day for express mail . I am about to go on a month long vacation just would like to have it before i leave . The sender have good product . Out of 3 pack one was lost (still waiting) may chalk this one up as a lost and reorder again. Shit happen .
Shit my roommate had a domestic usps priority mail package take 4 months to get delivered. It got mailed, we just figured it got lost. The sender resent the items, and 3 months later the first pack arrived. I swair it look like that pack had been on a non stop voyage around the world. It was a few bottles of test and tren and was held together by mere shreds. Oddest thing I've ever seen. I wonder where it was this whole time..
An international disappeared a few months back...looked like it tracked correctly so either the postman delivered it to the wrong place or kept it...post office did nothing, source did nothing all telling My friend to look at the tracking...as if he dunno it wasn't put in his mailbox
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A bit off topic but when I flew to Argentina abt 10 yrs ago, I had a vial of Test stolen out of my suitcase, I filed complaint with Continental Airline and the Homeland Security both to no avail. Before you freak out on me, I had a Dr script for it. But the bottom line was there was nothing that could be done.

Which is why I like having a source that is 25 miles away, no postal drama. But I suppose you just have to chalk it up to collateral losses, something you have to factor in once in a while....if it were me, I would write it off as a loss.....if the authorities decided to inspect the parcel, all of sudden your piddly $200 order would seem pretty inconsequential compared to legal fees and prison time
Shit goes mia all the time and turns up sometimes 6mounth later we also have roving pill heads and junkies that falow the fedex trucks and grab packages i got hit for a diesel top stack $600
If it ever show up,I will have it sent back to sender I want nothing to do with it.
I hope the sender use a fake addy . I am also in touch with them.
I'm going thru something similar right now. It's not lost - but the sender screwed up the address, and I can't correct it. Going on 4 weeks now and I just watch it go 'round and 'round via tracking. Chalk it up I guess.
Just got a custom letter. for that lost package. Well it's not lost anymore.

Hey, I would consider that letter to be a major relief! Not knowing anything is the scary part, and wondering is it going to be a controled delivery, or will they just come knock my door down, are they watching me ect...

So if it were me, the letter would be welcome
As a rep who deals with countless customer orders, I can tell you that between thanksgiving and new years is the worst time for shipping. PSL closes down all international operations during this time simply for that reason. Soooo many packs get lost, delayed, sent back, etc. I'm not talking a week delay, I'm talking 1-2 months! If I had to estimate, I'd say that probably 70% of shipments get delayed by some degree during this time. We'll send a free re-ship after 30 days if the product doesn't show, or earlier with proof of customs seizure. So we'd send countless re-ships to customers who did not receive their products within the 30 days....and what do you know....Their original pack shows up weeks later. I'm sure they weren't too upset with getting double what they paid for. ;)

If it's sent to the wrong address....it's an easy fix. Just call USPS and have them correct the information. EZ PZ.

If you get customs letter, DO NOT RESPOND TO IT! Just take a dump...wipe your ass with it and flush it away. That will be the end of it.
That's what I did , wipe my ass with it. lol. I'm in touch with shipper. He plan on given me a re-ship after I get back form my vacation in a month it was also express that is a no-no from now on. I will wait the extra week for it. this was a learning experience. In all my year of doing this the last few week was hell. House and is clean .
As a rep who deals with countless customer orders, I can tell you that between thanksgiving and new years is the worst time for shipping. PSL closes down all international operations during this time simply for that reason. Soooo many packs get lost, delayed, sent back, etc. I'm not talking a week delay, I'm talking 1-2 months! If I had to estimate, I'd say that probably 70% of shipments get delayed by some degree during this time. We'll send a free re-ship after 30 days if the product doesn't show, or earlier with proof of customs seizure. So we'd send countless re-ships to customers who did not receive their products within the 30 days....and what do you know....Their original pack shows up weeks later. I'm sure they weren't too upset with getting double what they paid for. ;)

If it's sent to the wrong address....it's an easy fix. Just call USPS and have them correct the information. EZ PZ.

If you get customs letter, DO NOT RESPOND TO IT! Just take a dump...wipe your ass with it and flush it away. That will be the end of it.

If my package of steroids is sent to the wrong shipping adress you are telling your customers to call united states postal service n tell them the package was shipped to wrong addy, n to please correct it n send it to me. I am sorry but that is the dumbest shit I have heard in a whiles hahahahaha

so if the ignorant asses opened my package n seen the steroids then return it to post offoce whatcha think will happen if I go n call them up explaining its my package n give them the tracking number n my correct real adress.
If my package of steroids is sent to the wrong shipping adress you are telling your customers to call united states postal service n tell them the package was shipped to wrong addy, n to please correct it n send it to me. I am sorry but that is the dumbest shit I have heard in a whiles hahahahaha

so if the ignorant asses opened my package n seen the steroids then return it to post offoce whatcha think will happen if I go n call them up explaining its my package n give them the tracking number n my correct real adress.
Well as someone who's received over 30 packages of gear in the last 3 years, and probably has much more experience in the logistic aspects of this industry than you, AND has done this myself for my own packages several times....... I can tell you the risk is minimal at best. First off.....it's a federal crime for someone to open your mail. I don't think anyone wants to risk getting in trouble out of curiosity....secondly, when you call the error gets fixed almost instantly and gets re-routed so chances of it making it all the way to the wrong destination are slim to none, and thirdly even if you don't call and have them re-route the incorrect recipients can still open it and send it back to the PO.....

Why don't you let the experienced ones handle the issues.