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  1. MightyJohn

    GH & Carpel Tunnel

    3-6 cut back to 1.5 EOD past 2 weeks and am already regretting it...look, vascularity, metabolism, skin etc
  2. MightyJohn

    GH & Carpel Tunnel

    I was able to go a whole year no problem too...then out of right field BOOM
  3. MightyJohn

    Dan Duchaine - The Underground Steroid Handbook

    He was so ahead of his time...back in the late 90s his dbol was floating around all the TJ pharmacies(small square blue bottle, tiny blue pills)...awesome read
  4. MightyJohn

    Test/deca/anadrol cycle

    1600 of Deca...My cock finds that scary :uhoh:
  5. MightyJohn

    GH & Carpel Tunnel

    So that past year, I have run problems, loving the results, all of the sudden 2 weeks ago started getting CTS BAD, actually lowered the dosage and came off for a even the lowest dosage and it comes back....haven't changed anything else...wondering if anyone has any new...
  6. MightyJohn


    phenibut and tren...I feel sorry for Your kidneys I'd try prami...these days I can't even do tren, when I do its methyltren(oral)...that way the 1st night of insomnia I have, ends My cycle
  7. MightyJohn

    Arnold 2.0 "Classic Physique" Calum Von Moger Talks With

    Dude looks like a Young Arnold/Mike O'Hearn....very aesthetic...hate guys with genetics like that, tall too LOL
  8. MightyJohn

    Sick of Pinning

    Yeah I did stuff like that in My early 20's
  9. MightyJohn

    Sick of Pinning

    Ouch, where do You put that much? Aren't You afraid of possible abcesses? - - - Updated - - - Dude are You only pinning 1x a week? I have thought about TU(Nebido)for 1x a week pinning.
  10. MightyJohn

    Sick of Pinning

    I pinned pecs for years....when I hit the nerve I knew it like NOTHING ELSE within 5 mins I had a C-cup ontop of My pec
  11. MightyJohn

    Bostin Loyd Video Interview, That Changed My Opinion Of Him.

    Honestly can't discredit him for how he looks onstage either last time out he looked awesome
  12. MightyJohn

    A pro's cycle (offseason)

    That was one of the 4 pros I talked to...he had to mix HG with UG...couldn't afford straight HG, didn't trust UG...3cc organon sus, rest aratest/qv test etc
  13. MightyJohn

    A pro's cycle (offseason)

    Pro Cycle: Test 1500-2500 Anabolic 600-1200(EQ, Deca, Tren/Mast used closer to contest) Oral 100-200(daily) Drol. Dbol, Winny/Halo used closer to contest GH 6-12iu(daily) I spoke to 4 pros in detail about their cycles(ones I'm friendly with)and all fell...
  14. MightyJohn

    Sick of Pinning

    Was hitting those with IGF-1 last summer...hit a nerve, swelled up like a boob, had a doctor look at it....these days I steer clear of them(hitting them was fun though)
  15. MightyJohn

    Sick of Pinning

    That too...I remember when I used to look forward to it...guess I'm getting old
  16. MightyJohn

    Sick of Pinning

    Anyone besides Me get sick of pinning(I'm only running 2cc E4D too)...just gets old, I remember when I was young I used to love to pin
  17. MightyJohn Looking For New Site Representatives! Forum Specific & Overall!

    It is a great opportunity...unfortunate I dunno shit about powders, female fitness(did date competitors though), working out or sports :/
  18. MightyJohn

    UKANABOLICS test400 blend

    I didn't see the Aurum T400, I did on their list....their 50mg Var do look tempting though
  19. MightyJohn

    Bostin Loyd Video Interview, That Changed My Opinion Of Him.

    Everytime I watch most of the others(except Palumbo)...they come across uneducated.."F-in shoot test...then some F-in D-bol"...clowns LOL
  20. MightyJohn

    UKANABOLICS test400 blend

    If it's Aurum, maybe they changed their brewing, I got in a while back did 1cc/1cc mast e and threw the 2 bottles I had of it away...I was in pain 24-7 for about 5 days