Test/deca/anadrol cycle

Thanks brother I'm thinking of adding some npp into my cycle. I have never used it any suggestions

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I always ran it at 400 to 500 now im going for 600.
Pretty much pinned m w f and small dose saturday to keep it active.but never had deca dong hahahah.
CYPIONATE , anadrol and nandrolone 12 week no cutting cycle

[TABLE="width: 500"]
[TD]Testosterone [/TD]
[TD]600mg weekly[/TD]
[TD]600mg weekly[/TD]
[TD]50mg daily[/TD]

12 week cycle and if you take anadrol for the full 12 weeks your a better man than me but it might be your last cycle ever lol
Testosterone Anadrol, Nandrolone Decanoate

[TABLE="class: outer_border, width: 500"]
[TD]Nandrolone Decanoate[/TD]
[TD]600mg weekly[/TD]
[TD]12 Week Cycle[/TD]
[TD]Testosterone Propionate [/TD]
[TD]150mg EOD[/TD]
[TD]12 Week Cycle[/TD]
[TD]Anadrol Oxymetholone[/TD]
[TD]50mg daily[/TD]
[TD]First 4 Weeks [/TD]