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    How to choose right syringe filters and filter membranes

    I use whatmam zap cap CR and nothing else best filters ever. They don't screw on but work great. Use a 45 neck glass media bottle. Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
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    Nandrolone: Bad for Doping, Good for Hormone Replacement

    I always use deca. No matter what, I gave up on tren a while ago. Its great but deca is king. The collagen properties, helping joints etc. Its to bad I cannot convince my Dr that deca along with TE or Tc is a far better hormone replacement. But he disagrees as he just believes it stops test...
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    Yup that's what it sounds like is what people call Test Flu. I don't know the exact cause of it but that denkall 400 mg TE made me feel like I had test flu every inject for the first 4 weeks then I was ok buy I never have experienced anything like that again. And I think it was because it was my...
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    Sustano is just test nothing else but you have 4 esters releasing at different times which was intended to be used for TRT at one time. I've had a love hate with sustanon as a youngster and listening to gym bs I ran it every other day because ppl said to sue to the propionate ester in it but...
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    Telomere Length and AAS - Can Steroids Help You Live Longer

    Very nice. I can truly appreciate when someone takes the time to read medical journals, peer reviewed studies, etc and post information coming from actual scientist and their studies and theories. Ill have to look into danazol as I have never seen it or used it in my 15 + years and I honestly...
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    Bottle top filters

    No I just use a small round pre filter they sell most places you get your filters and really its just a little larger pore size so with a zap cap you are able according to them to continue to filter past the limit as long as the filter is wet by adding a pre filter which is like the filter paper...
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    Help with bottle top filter!!

    You put the duct tape just around the plastic piece that connects to the filter and your tube. A very thing strip once pushed in tight the wrap the thin piece of duct tape around the side of the filter and the plastic valve just to make sure it's sealed tight. If you want u can put a small piece...
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    Best cutting cycle

    Yellow snow I couldn't have said it better and was the point I was trying to make but can't in such short sentences great post. In a cut for competition or I guess if your vain like most of us really are you use gear to lower your calories drastically to lose the extra lbs but try to maintain as...
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    Help with bottle top filter!!

    With zapcaps you use the vacuum pressure to get them to hold. They are my favorite filters ever. Sometimes they will hold better when you put some oil in first then add vacuum pressure but they will hold at 25 no problem and you can re use them if wet you have to filter at or under 50°C. Every...
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    if anyone know the best way to make test p ?

    It was 8 or more years ago on another board that has 1000 sponsors as soon as you open their web page lol but it was good but I didn't know much about EO at the time I had no issues others started to complain then we'd started to turn into 7's, I luckily for my last order and they disappeared...
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    Best cutting cycle

    Sorry I did see you put your weight but not your height which 185 on a 6 foot male would be very lean but on a guy who is 5'5 there's going to be a big difference so height is also needed but even so the same applies. Either way if you are just starting j would go with some Sarms and maybe some...
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    Best cutting cycle

    Food. There is no gear for bulking and cutting you can do the same with any of them. If your the type of person with a propensity to gain fat easily then you need to restrict your caloric intake and work out hard and stay active. There is no magic cutting cycle. Yes guys use certain things...
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    if anyone know the best way to make test p ?

    EO is definitely not needed and many people have an allergy to it and can break out in a rash. I've never had an issue and about 8 years ago a company was making everything 100% EO, no oil which they didn't last long. There's no need for it unless making tne or inject drop which I found a way...
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    if anyone know the best way to make test p ?

    I've always made it 2% ba, 20% bb, and a thin oil coconut being a favorite or even mct oil which is not so great with tren ace. But the main thing is have a good thermometer, its going to disol e in the solvents before it reaches its melting point and imo you should slowly heat the hormone to...
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    test prop powder legit?

    I guess that is a bit powdery but again it will likely be ok. Does it smell like TP? And if you did a melting point the only other thing you can do is get a test kit that shows if its tp or not but I would just go off how it smells and melting point. Its more powdery than I would prefer but I...
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    test prop powder legit?

    Why ditch it. Yes tp should be a fine crystalline like stated already but sometimes it will be a little more of a powder which is likely a lower quality but I'm sure it's real. I would just make it at 110mg to 115mg to be closer to 100mg/ml. Really there's no way to tell unless u can have it...
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    How to Run HCG during a steroid cycle and post cycle dosages

    I saw a post of a scheduled cycle with someone using 20mg a day of nolvadex for gyno on cycle. I will use nolvadex in conjunction with an AI but you need to look at nolvadex half life. Its long, I can't remember exactly but its very long so you don't need nolvadex daily for gunk purposes 2 to 3...
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    Oral Recipe - Ora Plus/Sweet Ratio

    Just get Humco Syrpalta. Best tasting and no mixing two together it was made for kids meds and my cousin a pharmacist had to make a solution of Vicodin when my kid was 2 after a surgery I couldn't believe that's what the Dr gave. My cousin the compounding pharmacist made it with Humco Syrpalta...
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    How much do you heat your brew?

    Heat depends on the hormone. The solvents will put them into liquid before their melting point. I use an accurate thermometer and I heat each hormone slowly to its melting point to ensure it doesn't crash in depot. Short esters tend to need higher heat no esters require a lot of heat but I heat...
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    MuscleChemistry's ....IGF-1 Lr3... miracle in a bottle

    Anything besides the two listed right now because you are looking good and progressing in the pics good job. Also good sups, not all igf is created equal and there's lots of junk on other boards this is by far the most consistent I've seen and for years straight. Impressive. Sent from my...