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    Stacking or Bridging Anabolic Steroids with SARMs

    Presser I agree. I was stacking ostarine when it first became popular with all my cycles and then was using as part of pct at a lower dose and then beyond pct to maintain gains. Now there are multiple others with great benefits one being the gh sarm, sorry for my ignorance on not remembering the...
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    Pct options other than clomid

    Throw in some ostarine. Just don't go to high on dose or it will increase estro and reverse what your doing. Clomid makes 90% of people feel like shit. I wouldn't touch it. Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
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    The Next Generation of HGH Boosters

    Excellent post. I love MK-677. Great info as always. Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
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    Pct options other than clomid

    Toremifene. I hate Clomid torem imo is by far superior serm. I wouldn't use anything but that at 90 mg per day for 6 weeks. Yes 6 most everyone starts pct way to early. Torem can increase igf levels and many other great things. Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
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    How To Use HMG during cycle and Post Cycle. Dosages 75i.u Daily

    Someone who if I'm thinking of the right guy claimed to be an HRT specialist which he was really pushing gear in an ingenious way at high cost claimed use of hcg during cycle was best because it allowed HPTA to remain while using gear but I don't see it happening. Yes it may increase size but...
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    New FIXED Prices On All SARM SCIENCES! BUY LGD, S4 & Osta-MK for $55 Each!

    Not to mention price is insane. Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
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    New FIXED Prices On All SARM SCIENCES! BUY LGD, S4 & Osta-MK for $55 Each!

    Great deal and sarms are no joke I love them. I was lucky enough to test about 6 bottles for a company a few years back and these are great for on in between off or coming off. Presser if my post doesn't belong here please delete brotha . First time using taptalk so I'm a bit confused lol...
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    How much do you heat your brew?

    I don't heat oils. If you mean while brewing I take my brew to the melting point of the hormone I'm working with and no higher. There is no reason. And there is no reason to bake filtered brew once finished if made correctly. As stated above it will break down any oil and the solvents will...
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    Bottle top filters

    I will only use whatman zapcap cr. They are a plastic butt a flexible plastic so they do not crack. You can put your pressure up to 25 and it will hold and not break. I also use a pre filter to catch all the large particles it will make you filter last longer and you will get more oil thru it...
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    Can anyone help a newbie

    Agreed same as sticky. I will make it easy on you 100 ml total 250mg/mL .909 .02 % ba .20% bb 55.28 ml oil 25 g raw 2 ml ba 20 ml bb Now all you need to know is you melting point for tren e, add raw to bb set on pan on stovetop and slowly heat and stir until completely clear no swirls etc...
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    Oral Liquid Recipes

    If you need var for your wife just go with Humco Syrpalta. Just buy it direct from their site. I will mention why again because I have no idea where I originally posted this. But anyway I have family who own a compounding pharmacy, when my daughter turned two she had to be put out to undergo...
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    Miglyol 840®

    Ok the second formulation, and just to mention they are talking about 350mg/ml test prop but I'm under the impression these were theory not tested Anyway the art I have was 1 part test prop (as example 20grams) to 1 part phenly salicylate (20g), to 1 part ethyl lactate (20g) to 2.5 parts...
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    Miglyol 840®

    Ok thanks bro the issue I had with it was all the post I had seen on it were that you basically had to buy it by the drum lol a little more than I need. But good looking out I guess it's time to put in some leg work and start calling an asking Oh and for the item I was speaking of but...
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    Winny Suspension Recipe..GTG

    My understanding of winny to get it to hold properly in any aspect solution, which isn't really holding, and oil is not to go over 1% BA because it will cause it to cash. Do I know this to be true. No sir. Just what I have read from bioscience, that's a really I depth book if you haven't...
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    Zap Cap bottle top filter

    You want CR. These are all I use besides fast caps
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    Best TNE recipe

    The problem with tne is the amount of guaiacol and possibly eo used. I know for a fact that many companies use 100% eo and 20% guaiacol on top of 2/20 ba/bb. Way to much solvent for me to use but it works for winny as well. Eo seems best added once in liquid form. But as powder guy mentioned...
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    advanced recipe need optimization

    Actually there is no pain in the method so we all have our opinions yes it's broke down into solvents as an injectable will be but then it's added to a base of water being the majority ~ 75% of the suspension. Make it as you will but I've been a this for 15 years or so and have made this many...
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    Miglyol 840®

    Thanks fellas. It's a solvent that was used in some patents years ago but I guess is still commonly sold and used for many things. Mainly I'm looking at a very thin oil that has very good properties at holding harder to make oils. Basically anything I can do to reduce guaiacol usage lol. I can't...
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    Stanozolol- How To Make Injectable Winstrol

    Yessir it works. Get Humco Syrpalta instead. No heat
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    Miglyol 840®

    Anyone have a clue ok wherein can find this and what's anyone's experience been with brewing tne or the like with mct oil? . I found aa powder replacement for guaiacol but can't think of the name of the tp of my head iI will post it here later and maybe the article with it. It's so simple to...