Pct options other than clomid


New member
Ok I'm on day 11 of clomid and nolva. I started with 100mg a day of clomid and 20mg of nolva, i went into immediate emotional and depression...so on day 3 I went to 50 MG a day clomid and kept nolva the same....well I'm still very emotional like a pregnant woman, always feeling down and out and not good enough for my gf...my libido has been fine until 2 days ago it crashed....so for my next go round is there anything else I could use for pct other than the clomid the emotional mess has me messed up badly...

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Toremifene. I hate Clomid torem imo is by far superior serm. I wouldn't use anything but that at 90 mg per day for 6 weeks. Yes 6 most everyone starts pct way to early. Torem can increase igf levels and many other great things.

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Needless to say it sucks no matter what! It's not necessary the clomid, it's also the fact that your hormones are going from one extreme to the other. U just gotta decide that pct is part of the program and just do it like the routine u did your gear. U gotta decide within yourself that you will rise above it and push forward. If you start not wanting sex as much or getting limp not being able to cum she will think it's her. Cialis is your friend. U gotta take equal time off cause if clomid is rough high red blood and frequent trips to the blood bank are much tougher. I never thought about it much, I just get all my workouts in keep food intake up. Go up on Nolva to 40 keep clomid at 50. Use 40 Nolva 4 weeks and 50 clomid instead. It's all just part of it. Clomid is really good at restarting your testosterone. If I am not mistaken to Torem causes blood clots.
Throw in some ostarine. Just don't go to high on dose or it will increase estro and reverse what your doing. Clomid makes 90% of people feel like shit. I wouldn't touch it.

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Damn, 100mg? No wonder you're emotional! Clomid is essentially an estrogen. If you waited until the end of the cycle to start the clomid, then it will be a waste. You want clomid when you're on cycle, 50mg/week, then when off cycle use the nolva to block receptors and exemestane (aromasin) to stop any conversion to estrogen if you can get it.
This is why I'm asking because everybody has a different pct method...so it seems that way

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Everyone's body is different. Have to find what works best for you in terms of dosages, but the goal of PCT is to get your own testosterone production back to normal after a cycle while controlling excess estrogen. Some of the basics are:

For a testosterone-based cycle:
1. Estrogen rises from conversion without anything to block it
2. Coming off cycle means test will drop but estrogen will still be high if you didn't block it
3. Adding an estrogenic compound like clomid after the cycle will only make the imbalance worse
4. You would need to block the estrogen receptors--this means nolvadex would be the best compound to use at this time
5. Block any residual estrogen conversion by using an inhibitor like exemestane

The reason to use clomid while ON cycle is to keep a balance between estrogen and testosterone. Clomid replaces estrogen and keeps the body from over-converting testosterone into estrogen. HCG during and after a cycle, 500mcg every 3 days, is better to get the body's natural production going again while controlling estrogen. Obviously, PCT changes depending on what's used during the cycle. Plan accordingly.
Everyone's body is different. Have to find what works best for you in terms of dosages, but the goal of PCT is to get your own testosterone production back to normal after a cycle while controlling excess estrogen. Some of the basics are:

For a testosterone-based cycle:
1. Estrogen rises from conversion without anything to block it
2. Coming off cycle means test will drop but estrogen will still be high if you didn't block it
3. Adding an estrogenic compound like clomid after the cycle will only make the imbalance worse
4. You would need to block the estrogen receptors--this means nolvadex would be the best compound to use at this time
5. Block any residual estrogen conversion by using an inhibitor like exemestane

The reason to use clomid while ON cycle is to keep a balance between estrogen and testosterone. Clomid replaces estrogen and keeps the body from over-converting testosterone into estrogen. HCG during and after a cycle, 500mcg every 3 days, is better to get the body's natural production going again while controlling estrogen. Obviously, PCT changes depending on what's used during the cycle. Plan accordingly.

@BigZ Exactly, PCT depends on what we run during cycle. @pitfowl1983 but running 100mg clomid a day, it's really high.