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  1. U

    Please help with making tablets.

    Look on the net for and look for prosol 50 or 90. But it's basically the San thing but you have o be very careful first of ordering a press. Not a good idea. Second it's not as simple as mixing some raw wth microcrystalline cellulose and mag stearate. You need to be very careful how much mag...
  2. U

    New (To Me) alcohol for liquid oral recipes

    Oral it's Bacardi 151 and peg. Shop that and get Humco Syrpalta, no heat just add Rae no heat just shake. Same thing pharmacies use.
  3. U

    advanced recipe need optimization

    If you want o simply make test suspension you are way over thinking this my friend. Here's what you need for 20 ml at 100mg/ml First simple bacteria static water in a sterile vial. I'm guessing on the amount because I didn't look at my recipie but I think its 14.75ml bacteriostatic water or...
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    pill press

    If you really want to press pills, get on eBay but it's not as easy as you think and the feds will think you are an E distributor. I make tabs with the one at a time presses. You will see what I mean. It's not fast. But don't buy the ludipress compound from there that comes from another country...
  5. U

    need help with crashed TNE recipe, please

    I agree with the post I liked. I use a split of eo and gso. 100% eo will work great but isn't needed I just made 200ml and was able to use15% guaiacol and 30/70 eo to gso. It came out perfect. Anyone know where to get some Miglyol 840 so we can get rid of the guaiacol?? . I know of another...
  6. U

    Oral Liquid Recipes

    Humco is the brand of pharmaceutical carrier for orals. Th best that humcp makes is called. Humco Syrpalta, presser you can make any liquid oral by simply adding the dose per ml liquid and simply shaking. . They use this in pharmacies to make children's meds into liquid. Syrpalta taste like...
  7. U

    Dark colored tren and degredation.

    6 fingers has some good looking tren. If guys remember back in the day tren was almost always good hence everyone calling it golden God among other things. I've had yellow raw that instantly turned red when added to solvents but heat will make tren darker. I still heat my tren to 100 C depending...
  8. U

    Best filtration system for bigger volumes

    Giru, BA won't really clean the filter but if you are making multiple compounds you can use the same filter a couple timesc as long as it's wet and preferably in the same session. I run a little BA thru my zap cap when new because it prevents the growth of new bacteriia. If you think about it...
  9. U

    Melting Points

    Yes it's important. But what you need to really know is what temp to brew each hormone at. Like TE for example I will only let it get to 70 C, no higher. Why. Lol I really can't say other than its more than enough heat and I never have any painful batches etc. With good quality tra I'll go up to...
  10. U

    Clear test prop

    EO is absolutely toxic. But I have used it at 100% as well with no issues. I never made it that way I was buying from a ugl at the time. Yea it was thin but it will eat the rubber off a syringe in no time so when I say I had no issues I mean that I noticed no blood work to see what it was doing...
  11. U

    Best filtration system for bigger volumes

    6 fingers is dead on. But if your talking 400 to 500ml I would simply use a whatman zap cap. For me thew are the only bottle tops worth using. Every other one I tried would crack or begin to leak at the filter like leak out the sides and that was at any amount of vacuum but with a zapcap they...
  12. U

    injectable oxy recipe

    I agree. And I have a hard time with large batches of drol for some reason. If I make it 30ml at a time and havev3 x 30ml vials I hear it in i can make 90ml at once but I swear when I try to do a couple hubdred ml in a beaker it always crashes on me. Must just be me. ..But I used 15% guaiaciol 2...
  13. U

    NPP and test PP cook?

    Just go 100/100. I made tp and npp at 100mg/ml each so a total of 200mg /ml combo, no eo, at 2/20 and it was perfect no pain at inject or pip. Just smooth and was nice to use less. If you want to add eo don't use apricot. It seems to work well with safflower or sunflower or graoeseed. I...
  14. U

    Clear test prop

    Prop is the ester bro I'm assuming u meant made with eo. And no. I make clear test prop with fractionated coconut oil. Well almost clear. Very close but some hormones taken on different colors when made in coconut oil which is clear. But the stuff is smooth. Imo no reason to use 100% eo for...
  15. U

    Best filtration system for bigger volumes

    Imo if you want to keep it simple and want a good quality filter that you can use even with a hand pump and crank out a few 1000ml. The what man zapcap is hard to beat. Add a prefilter which it comes with one, but I also run about 15ml of BA thru it before I ever use it. and I mean make sure to...
  16. U

    Guaiacol vs EO

    If SO is of any problem to you,try to only use 20-25% max if you need it in a brew and it should not effect you. That's just been my experience and some bro science but seems to work. Ive bought gear made at 100% eo,these guys were doing every hormone at normal doses like that. the gear was...
  17. U

    Winny home brew, stanazolol recipe

    The above recipe sorta,will work for test suspension with no pain or separation. But it should be done honestly 20ml at a time and filtered 1-2 ml at a time with the raw ran thru a mortar/pestle to micronize Then use bac water or make it in a seprate vial use .6ml ps 80 for 20ml ,20BB, and .3...
  18. U

    Not one to make threads but need some opinions???

    and celery creed are booth good add in black pepper. I would honestly find a good cardiac blend premade. I honestly just use lisinoprip or micrchlorothazide(HCTZ) or a lisinopril/HCTZ blend. I never thought I would be one to use bp meds or even except their use but the reality that prolonged...
  19. U

    Have any of you guys tried homebrewing coq10 or other vitamins/amino acids, etc?

    The 67, sorry to hear of the kidney failure glad to see you are still here to talk about it and I'm glad u pointed that out. Many of us, me included have been making things on our own for years I will say I have spent part of college studying some of it, not making gear obviously but I luckily...
  20. U

    Not one to make threads but need some opinions???

    I will try to find the article I n had on CoQ10 and other supps that will help kidney fiction but as stated it is for cardiovascular health as well. But I know a guy who's wife was going thru dyialisis and was able to stop due to all the supps he researched abd she was taking. I agree that if...