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  1. P

    Quote of the week

    that sounds like a line, did you go home with him ?
  2. P

    New MuscleChemistry Site Rep has been added to the board

    he's a good kisser too. i mean thats what i heard ...
  3. P

    YOu know what to DOOOO....

    shake it, shake it, shake it like a polaroid picture....:D :D :D
  4. P


    20 dollars to the first admin who puts him back to 50 :)
  5. P

    Oprah causes stress

    here is a novel idea patient:Doctor my elbow hurts when i do this.... doctor: ok, dont do that. If she is a stressor to these crazy people they should turn the channel or better yet get off ther couch and go outside ansd spend some time with there kids.
  6. P


    HEY ! you ladies are too smart for me
  7. P


    maybe it isnt why dont YOU try calling it :p
  8. P


    umm sweety, rad doesnt have a cell phone, you are making some old mans day....
  9. P


    she is ignoring my inappropriate sexual advances, thats SO hot :D
  10. P

    -=Inject_me=- READ YOUR PM*S

    deal. i bet it would have been hard to draw anyway.
  11. P

    -=Inject_me=- READ YOUR PM*S

    do you inject ice cream intramuscularly, or sub q ? :D
  12. P


    the solar flare is messing up my cell phone so you will have to call me at work and talk dirty to me. :p
  13. P

    -=Inject_me=- READ YOUR PM*S

    Inject me too, wait,with what ?
  14. P

    Whats your favorite BB body part?

    triceps, they frame up your arm and they grow fast.
  15. P

    favorit Ice Cream

    I pledge allengance....
  16. P

    Need help with cycle!!

    t-3 will be fine with this cycle, your gonna pick up some lean mass with your increased protein synthesis from a.s. and from t-3, and its true t-3 doesnt differentiate from fat, muscle , bone or other tissues , however it does have a tendency to use what is easiest. I know how you eat bro, milk...
  17. P

    what is everyone doing this weekend

    i think you spoil him morgan, please remove the bed and fan and nail the windows shut.
  18. P

    Pudgys lyrics for today...

    Ho... Hey...ey...ey...ey... N-n-n-n-no, no It’s been too long and I’m lost without you So what am I gonna do, said I’ve been needin’ you, wantin’ you Wonderin’ if you’re the same and who’s been with you Is your heart still mine, I wanna cry sometimes I miss you Off to college, yes, you...
  19. P

    My Quiet Zone~

    wow, thanks.
  20. P

    Zero Tolerance

    i agree but, lol that means i dont agree dont misunderstand me viper, rad, and others, because im saying what i think doesnt mean you have to agree or i think your wrong. i opened the topic for discussion thats all...