Need help with cycle!!

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Sup everyone,

Well here goes, last cycle was great, kicked my ass and I tried to reach my goal of 200 pounds I went from 163 to 190, and now I am at 180 pounds, and have been off for 4 months now, my last cycle was this:

Drols(green giants) week 1-4 50mg
Test weeks 1-12 600mg
Deca weeks 1-12 400mg
Winny weeks 8-12 50mg ED
and I also threw in my nolva at 25mg ed, and
also ran my armidex as well at .5mg however I
also ran my clomid as well for my post cycle for
3 weeks!!!

Now new cycle is going to be this:
Test 600mg weeks 1-10
EQ 400mg weeks 1-10
Winny 50mg ed weeks 6-10
However my next question is about T3
I have read all the info about it, and understand
it, but would it be more of a benefit to me to
run it at the end of the cycle or the first of it?
Also I was told to take half a tab of the 25mcg tab?
Never go more than that...but I have been reading
posts about everyone taking more than that? I also
will have some clen available as well, but I am hoping
to save the clen for my cutting cycle in the spring!!
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! thanks

Bro I would run it longer and bump up the test to 750. Slow esters won't kick in until week 4 so you are only at 6 weeks. Try 12 weeks and kick start with prop. My knowledge on T3 won't help you. Sorry. Maybe this
1-12 750mg of test
1-4 50mg of prop ed or 100mg eod
1-12 EQ 400mg
10-15 winny 50mg ed

Just my .02
I think you will be unhappy with your results at the same dose of test and for that short period of time
Looks good-I personally found EQ to be much more effective at 500-600 per week-Also why not Tren instead of winny this time around??-T-3-I used 5 25mcg tabs per day-throughout the day-3 weeks on-3weeks off.However if your not cutting for a show-I'd stick with clen-with T-3 you WILL lose some lean tissue-Oh yea-I'd also go 12-14 weeks with the EQ-Its my favorite compound and have tried quite a few different protocols,more,less,eod,once a week,8 weeks,16 weeks....-conclusion??-At least for me,EQ is most effective at 500-600mg per week(more no better- 300mg twice a week is my optimum)-and 12 weeks is where gains level out-just my opinion-good luck!!
thanks bro's good idea, I will extend it to 12 weeks....when should I throw in the T3 though?
can run tren with it: rippedchef, due to the fact I have some gyno issues going on.... but I have plenty of L-dex on hand and nolva is on the way!!
I would up the EQ to 600 mg/wk, and extend it to 12 weeks. Unless you have experience with EQ in the past, I don't think you will be satisfied with 400 mg/wk for 10 weeks. Also, what are you results with Winny for five weeks? Is there any interest in extending it to six or seven weeks?
t-3 will be fine with this cycle, your gonna pick up some lean mass with your increased protein synthesis from a.s. and from t-3, and its true t-3 doesnt differentiate from fat, muscle , bone or other tissues , however it does have a tendency to use what is easiest. I know how you eat bro, milk, mayo, etc. YOur lean and you want to get leaner, with your love of cookies ;) and the eq wiring up your appetite i would say start it with the eq and run it for a month.
ok cool will extend it to 12 weeks, however I have ran eq in the past at 400mg(blacklabel) and it rocked...I got veins and striations like hell, guess I will have to purchase more then to get what I need..thanks guys? any ideas about the T3 though?
you didn't have gyno issues running deca and drol together the other time??

I agree with Rad that you should run the test at 750 AND with ripped and sndmn in that you should bump the EQ to 600 mg/wk....

my last cycle was similar 1 gram enant/800 mg EQ per week and 75mg/ed fina.......i didn't get quite the results I wanted but I'm pretty sure the QV enant I had was bunk
I dont understand why the T3....arent you still trying to hit 200? If you want something to keep you somewhat lean toward the end use clen....and run it for about 4 weeks, it becomes anabolic at high doses for long times...
radical_P said:
Bro I would run it longer and bump up the test to 750. Slow esters won't kick in until week 4 so you are only at 6 weeks. Try 12 weeks and kick start with prop. My knowledge on T3 won't help you. Sorry. Maybe this
1-12 750mg of test
1-4 50mg of prop ed or 100mg eod
1-12 EQ 400mg
10-15 winny 50mg ed

Just my .02
I think you will be unhappy with your results at the same dose of test and for that short period of time
