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  1. viciouscycle

    500mg/ml test e recipe

    Quads are always a 50/50 chance for me.they are part of my regular rotation and I still get crippled from time to time from even 1/2ml of 200mg cyp.
  2. viciouscycle


    My wife has been trying to get me to do some of the race's that she does, but I do to much tren to even think about that craziness..5 minutes of sprints on a tread mill and I'm
  3. viciouscycle

    500mg/ml test e recipe

    It's all well and good to try to get 500mg in one ml , but if it's gonna cripple you I would much rather shoot a couple mls of 250mg instead.
  4. viciouscycle

    Best cycle for bulk?

    The Eq will boost your appetite at that dose. Most people recommend 600mg for 16-20 weeks to get the full benifits of it. Personally for bulking I love Deca or NPP with test and dbol.
  5. viciouscycle

    Just sayin hello, lookin to to my lard into butter at least lol! Im 21st or 230kg of

    You have to dial in your diet first and foremost. Cut all crap food, fast food and junk.then figure out how many calories you are eating a day and how many you need to be at to start losing weight. I can help, but I'll need your height , weight and age.
  6. viciouscycle

    You know you are fat when...............

    Wooh that's a whole lotta woman there lol
  7. viciouscycle

    You know you are fat when...............

    Haha, I've seen people post there weights like that on other forums..I'm usually like WTF is that? if I have to do math to try to figure out there stats I usually get irritated and move on to the next
  8. viciouscycle


    What are your goals? 250mg of sust is basically a Trt dose and you won't see much if anything for gains from that.
  9. viciouscycle


    Deca will shut down your natural testosterone with as little as 25mg . You need to run test with it. If your worried about bloat deca isn't the substance you want to run.Try EQ 600mg 14-16 weeks with a small does of test 200-300 will replace what has been shut down. And presser is correct 80mg...
  10. viciouscycle

    INJECTABLE RECIPES And experimental high dose recipes.

    Try this for 300mg Mast e 40mls @ 300mgs/ml 12g powder 11.8ml EO 10ml GSO 1.2ml BA (3%) 8ml BB (20%)
  11. viciouscycle

    Guns guns guns :d

    I can attest that a 30-06 kicks like a Damn mule!! If your just looking for something to throw a bunch of rounds thru then the .223 is perfect. Rounds are fairly inexpensive and they are actually fun to shoot. No need for a .308 unless your hunting moose.
  12. viciouscycle

    This is what I call a Sexy Female Physique! YUMMY

    Love me some Bella. [/URL][/IMG]
  13. viciouscycle

    Best foods list for bodybuilding offseason and contest prep by Chris Aceto

    Sunny that's simalar to my diet, but take out the 9:00 meal. I also carb cycle with it. I like to add 1-2 oz of heavy cream to my shakes, not only does it make them taste awesome, it also adds 400/600 calories.
  14. viciouscycle

    Has any one brewed primo?

    Damn ! A gram a week would be nice! I was thinking around 600mg for 14 weeks, with var first 6 and winny last 6. And a low dose of test around 300mg/wk.
  15. viciouscycle

    Has any one brewed primo?

    I've personally never used labmax myself but I have heard about a few who have on a couple other forum's.They have kits for different compounds .they supply 2 test tubes with some chemical in them, you add some of your powder, wait a few minutes and it should change to whatever color. If it...
  16. viciouscycle

    Has any one brewed primo?

    There is labmax testing kits but they are not 100% or melting point test. I'll probably bite the bullet in the spring. Everything I've gotten so far has been top self.
  17. viciouscycle

    Has any one brewed primo?

    10 bottles on there way Presser! ;) wish I had it like
  18. viciouscycle

    Has any one brewed primo?

    Funny I was just doing some research for the same thing. I want to take the dive and get some, but it's one of the most expensive and faked steroids. Even with the reliable sources I have I am still skeptical.
  19. viciouscycle

    An Introduction

    Welcome to MC !! There is a good bunch of guys/gals here who have a ton of knowledge and Will gladly help with any questions you have.
  20. viciouscycle

    next cycle 50mg dianabol and 750mg testosterone enanthate

    Stick to 50 drol and 25 bol ,That'll be plenty.with the test to of course.