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What d u think about deca (250/week) and var (40mg/daY) for 8 weeks for 42 years old man? Its a good start after 10 week sustanon(250/week) in summer? thanks
I dont wanna bloat
What d u think about deca (250/week) and var (40mg/daY) for 8 weeks for 42 years old man? Its a good start after 10 week sustanon(250/week) in summer? thanks
I dont wanna bloat

Any specific reason why your not using any type of testosterone bro? The deca is low dose and takes weeks to even feel, so i think on top of the low weekly dosage that the length of the cycle is way too short as well, and for men, anavar isn't any good until you hit the 60-80mg daily.

Thanks my take anyhow,
I had muscle aches do not know if related to sustanon and therefore prefer not to use it, while with deca I have gone pains.
Var is good for me for strenght and deca for mass?
I had muscle aches do not know if related to sustanon and therefore prefer not to use it, while with deca I have gone pains.
Var is good for me for strenght and deca for mass?

All i can say is, the cycle you listed is not optimal, however were here to make sure first and foremost, that people don't hurt themselves by doing shit wrong, so with that said, your cycle plan is fine, and you may get some gains from it, but again its just not an optimal cycle, but it isn't going to hurt you and you will likely still see some small gains
Deca will shut down your natural testosterone with as little as 25mg . You need to run test with it. If your worried about bloat deca isn't the substance you want to run.Try EQ 600mg 14-16 weeks with a small does of test 200-300 will replace what has been shut down. And presser is correct 80mg var should work good for you.
Not a good idea without testosterone, add to this cycle a little : 200mg week is enough .
That cycle sucks. You need some test in your cycle, especially with deca. Test didn't hurt your joints, however depending on if the bar is really var and not winny, winny might hurt your joints
That cycle sucks. You need some test in your cycle, especially with deca. Test didn't hurt your joints, however depending on if the bar is really var and not winny, winny might hurt your joints

Come on bro, thats not how you talk to someone here!
My bad, honestly I didn't mean to sound like a dick. I guess it just sounds that way written because I was trying to get my point across. But that cycle is a horrible idea. Forget the first 3 letters and it's good advice but I meant nothing personal or to be negative. Just want him to understand what the point of test is. My friend can barely walk because of a resurfaced hip that he wore out again and he takes deca and test and still trains like an animal. Before the deca and test be could barely walk. NPP is better in my opinion because you can adjust the dose and figure out how much feels good balanced with test.
Some people just stay on low dose deca year round. Like 150 test and 100 deca.
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My bad, honestly I didn't mean to sound like a dick. I guess it just sounds that way written because I was trying to get my point across. But that cycle is a horrible idea. Forget the first 3 letters and it's good advice but I meant nothing personal or to be negative. Just want him to understand what the point of test is. My friend can barely walk because of a resurfaced hip that he wore out again and he takes deca and test and still trains like an animal. Before the deca and test be could barely walk. NPP is better in my opinion because you can adjust the dose and figure out how much feels good balanced with test.
Some people just stay on low dose deca year round. Like 150 test and 100 deca.

good man!!!! Appreciate your honestly and taking the time to see it did come off a little harsh lol,
What are your goals? 250mg of sust is basically a Trt dose and you won't see much if anything for gains from that.
What are you talking about? 155 mg a week puts most men at 700 ng the day they administer (and before they administer) - there's a study that shows this. 175mg a week (my dosage) puts me at mid 900's the day I administer. VERY VERY few men actually are within physiological range using 250mg a week.

I think you're right that over a typical cycle, 250mg a week won't do much, but if you trained hard and ate right and did 250mg a week for a year, you'd still be pretty healthy and that small advantage you have would add up over a completely natural athlete.
The test with any substance is supposed to be the optimal. This statement is still being hung on to since it was said way back in the day. I have used many compounds successfully without test, however you have to balance the substances.
Tren/Meth prop
I have used those compounds with NO test and all have been great and no issues with sex drive.
I do agree though to up the amounts as Var is very mild/ and your low dose of test and Var will not yield the results you want. Unlesss your just looking for a maintenance dose, but cost wise it would not be suitable.