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  1. crash

    Sustanon log for the russdog

    If I were running sust with the short esters in there I would stick with EOD... Keeps bloods normal ... Just had my bloods drawn after 18 mos on and everything looked great ... Liver and prolactin lil elevated but nothing crazy ... I pin short esters eod and TREN Ed and long eaters twice a week
  2. crash

    Could I compete ?

    Bro you could definitely compete with just a small cut and like said above as long as wheel match otherwise you could still do physique... Looking great !!!
  3. crash

    Wanted to introduce myself

    Cool Bro and Welcome sounds like you bring a lot of good info to the table... I like the story about the 175 pound guys.. I see skinny ass guys showing there abs.. to me that is like a fat chick with BIG TITTS HAHA.. Lots of cool guys here who do not mind helping each other as that is what we...
  4. crash

    Limp Dick - Deca

    Cialis.. Melatonin 2 and I can drive my dick through brick walls.. :satan:
  5. crash

    Lingandrol review

    well 2 weeks in and I will say this stuff works.. my wt is now 204 and I have gained some fat and water but I stay full all day long picking my nose gives me a pump LOL... NOT SEEING BIG STRENGTH GAINS BUT ENDURANCE AND REPS ARE UP FOR SURE...not sure if this is from Lingandrol or where I was...
  6. crash

    Magic Dbol number.

    :bench:Be jealous cause June 1 it's 600 mg sust and 50 mg D Bol and 50 mg anadrol along with50 mg provirion oh almost firgot 200 mg Deca
  7. crash

    Magic Dbol number.

    50 mg for me.. Love the feel good feeling it gives me!! :bber:
  8. crash

    tren, sides and dreams

    For me its not just the night sweats and the crazy dreams Tren makes me cold hearted and I don't give a fuck about anyone or anything.. I ran it before my last show for 5 weeks and it does wonders but I am not sure it is worth it to me anymore.. I would say be very careful. I really think I will...
  9. crash

    Almost 4 weeks out.

    Good luck Bro!!!! I just did my first show APR 30 at 39 and I must say I learned a lot for going forward into my next on which I plan on doing Aug 20....
  10. crash

    Matt Magnavita 19 teen benches 740lbs

    I'm gone be a Dick too!!! NOT IMPRESSED AT ALL!!!! if that was raw might have a different opinion I just feel like when you're using all these suits and sling shots and shit its not the same. Also how much did this kid weight? Not hating but I need to get a video of a 22 year old kid in my gym...
  11. crash

    Lingandrol review

    day 8 appetite has really increased last few days..... muscles feeling really full while working out also noticing intensity up in gym.. I think its gone be a good fit for me... I will say this is my personal review...I have seen in the past compounds that work for me may not for the next guy so...
  12. crash

    Whats the difference between Melanotan 1 and Melonotan 2. Side effects, and Enhanced Libido

    8 days in and getting darker... Getting all kinds of compliments on how good my skin tone looks
  13. crash

    Whats the difference between Melanotan 1 and Melonotan 2. Side effects, and Enhanced Libido

    I just started 2 about six days ago makes me a lil nauseous at first but my skin is getting darker and the hard woos is insane almost embarrassing.. I was at the docs office Friday and got a huge boner just before lady called me back to give blood oh well I just rocked it with pride lol..
  14. crash

    Sustanon log for the russdog

    Keep up the hard work Bro you will get there all about the diet
  15. crash

    Sustanon log for the russdog

    Nice progress bro!!! I am fixing to start my sus cycle I will be doing eod since it has short and long esters to keep bloods steady... Not sure your 18% BF THOUGH... I am thinking mid 20 s
  16. crash

    Training frequency and caloric intake

    Everyone is different but I do think as I get older more rest is needed but fuck if I miss the gym it is like missing a piece of ass!!! feel like I can never get it back LOL
  17. crash

    Steroid Cycle Break or not to break and keep cruising

    Everyone has different advice and goals but you need to decide what you can handle for me I came off long enough to get a script fixing to Blast on some sust and other goodies... I too am 39 and kids are grown so not worried about babies BP IS ALWAY GREAT!!! very nominal sides.. oily skin...
  18. crash

    Lingandrol review

    Okay guys so I do need to add I am running MC IGF AT 70 mcg a day... okay so today is day 5 of lingandrol probably too early for any results yet ... wt this morning is up a bit at 195.. That probably was from diet I am on strict 2500 k diet during the week .. while the weekend I am not so...
  19. crash

    Lingandrol review

    injectable man.. not interested in no cream..
  20. crash

    Lingandrol review

    Okay guys I received this some time back but I wanted to be able to give it an honest review.. I am currently 3 weeks clean of anything except nolvadex. I was on all short esters so my body should be clean.. My current stats are wt 191 BF% 11 ht 6 01 .. I was on aas for 18 mos and no im not...