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  1. F

    Cutting Diet - need some help

    so with some quick basic math.. 3500 calories = 1 pound based on the quick method you mentioned above (I know its not 100% ideal for everyone, but just a rough figure)... Fat loss = 12 - 13 calories per lb. of bodyweight 210 (my weight) X 12 = 2520. my BMR showing about 2135... that makes a...
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    Cutting Diet - need some help

    great info Chica! Any idea how many calories (on average) a person burns a day just living? I heard somewhere like 2000 calories are burnt on a 24 hour period of you just living your average life with no exercise... true?
  3. F

    Cutting Diet - need some help

    A few basic questions... I know its of interest to keep your calories in the negative range when cutting. On average, how many calories does a person eat a day? how many do they burn just living for 24 hours?
  4. F

    Cutting Diet - need some help

    thanks mike, I appreciate the lookout... Im reading a bit more on Tren at the moment. What would you recommend for a 1st time cutter cycle? Just remove the tren and keep Test Propionate 150 Every other day Week 1 - 10 Winny 50mg Everyday 6-10 ? Im open to suggestions brother. Hows brown rice...
  5. F

    Cutting Diet - need some help

    thanks for the heads up bigworm Going to hit the grocery store in a few hours... would love some suggestions on what to pick up for a cutting diet Chicken Breast? Steak? Whole wheat bread? Egg whites? salad toppings? anyone got suggestions?
  6. F

    Cutting Diet - need some help

    Hey all... Hope everyones doing good! Havent been here in awhile, nice to be back :) Anyhow, some background info before the nitty gritty... Age: 22 Height: 6' Weight: 210lbs Bodyfat %: not sure, would guess nothing more than average A.S background: 1 bulker which included Test-E and...
  7. F

    1st cutter cycle suggestions

    thanks for the reply MMX2. regarding those 3 questions, I was looking for some more info on it. I planned on going with no anti-e's in the mix and for PCT going with some Nolva that I have on hand for 6 weeks. Diet wise I wa sthinking Looking at 2000 a day split up into 40/40/20, but many seem...
  8. F

    1st cutter cycle suggestions

    why is that? I was actually thinking of cutting the winny out completely. Anyone else?
  9. F

    1st cutter cycle suggestions

    Stats: Age: 22 Weight: 210+ Height: 6'1 background in muscle: martial arts student and b/b for the past 5 years or so. A/S background: other than pro-hormones... I ran a cycle of Test-E and Deca for 10 weeks as a bulker. Unfortunately I dont know my body fat % at this time. Looking for a good...
  10. F

    Itching! Red dots/spots?

    I only have Nolva on hand at the moment... so I'm gona go with 40mg Nolva ED for the time being... hopefully everything goes back to normal soon
  11. F

    Itching! Red dots/spots?

    Thanks for the advice Tony, I'll definitely start my PCT earlier than expected. Quick question tho, when using PCT during a cycle... does it somewhat "kill" the cycle down a little? Make it any less effective? Not that it matters, i will start AntiE's today
  12. F

    Itching! Red dots/spots?

    Really? I thought I should be starting AntiE's after I finish the cycle and run it for about 5weeks?
  13. F

    Itching! Red dots/spots?

    I'm actually hoping it some sort of rash thats not gear related. Having great succcess on my cycle and would hate to end it... but Im not willing to go on with these red zit like dots all over my body. I have some Dipgengtdramine tablets (Allergy Forumula)... Im gona take this for a couple days...
  14. F

    Itching! Red dots/spots?

    Thanks for the advice Tony... I guess it can be acne... What do u suggest I do? I have Nolva on hand... start taking thatand doing the rubbing alcohol? How much Nolva? Or do you think I should cut the cycle short and stop now? Its weird cause Ive never gotten acne in these places.... and these...
  15. F

    Itching! Red dots/spots?

    thats the opposite side of my elbow... where its happening the worst... its also around my armpit and neck area... stop cycle?
  16. F

    Itching! Red dots/spots?

    Its not acne... this itches like crazy... and the buildup is mainly in the same area (armpits, opposite side of elbow, neck)
  17. F

    Itching! Red dots/spots?

    So you think its the Test? Its getting pretty bad... on the back of neck... a few spots now.. Do u suggest telling the doctor what im taking? OR are there any over the counter drugs I can take? Im 100% sure its not from shaving... I dont shave my arms
  18. F

    Itching! Red dots/spots?

    On my about 6-7th week of TestE/Deca cycle... For some reason, on many parts of my bodies im getting these zit like spots that itch like crazy... almost like an allergic reaction. Anyone ever experience anything like this? Have anything to do with the gear or possibly some clothing I wore? Not...
  19. F

    Post injection soreness?

    Doesnt lidocaine require doctors perscription? Also, is there any long term effects of using lidocaine so often (per shot) ?