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  1. F

    My workout day

    thanks bro, im gona focus on going slow and controlled from now on. gona go give bicep/back/shoulders a try today and see how it goes.
  2. F

    My workout day

    oh, also, about doing 3 muscle's or so a day... I usually spend about 1.5hours in the gym when I workout a single muscle (examples: Triceps) When you guys are focusing on say Back, Biceps, Forearms, Abs are you in there for a g ood 3-4 hours or do you just not over exaust each muscle?
  3. F

    My workout day

    thanks for the reply guys... I was able to get some more food down after 8ish.... specifically about 3 or 4 home made patties. I wish I could eat more, but when I take my protein shakes I feel full for a good 3-4 hours... When I eat its cause I force myself... thats why I asked if I should cut...
  4. F

    My workout day

    hey whats going on guys... alright, critique my day, and if you have time tell me on how I should improve and what Im doing wrong. here we go, age: 20 Height:6' Weight" 180lbs BF%: To be honest Ive never really measured it, probably at the average level of someone at my age/size. Goal: to...
  5. F

    Cell Tech Creatine?

    god damn is this stuff sweet... its like eatting razor blades... and its pure sugar, I dont really wana gain fat because of this, kinda regret buying this brand.... it also made my stomache turn for a good 2 hours
  6. F

    PH Ban

    transdermals can go about 1-2 years (I know, thats a wide range) if kept in a cool dry place.... you can increase that if you freeze it or buy vacuum sealed products, however, if youre gona stock up you might as well get powders
  7. F

    PH Ban

    well, its time boys... I think after tomorrow we got about 90 days... by mid Jan, kiss them byebye
  8. F

    Need major advice!!

    what do you mean he wants you to go on a test? Are you referring to testoserone? AS stands for Anabolic Steroids...
  9. F

    Need major advice!!

    you can build muscle without test... at 18 I wouldnt recommend any kind of AS.
  10. F

    running into some stomach problems! Any Advice?

    thats pretty weird... Do you throw them up as soon as you eat/drink them or nce you begin to workout? Check the expiration date on your powder too.... also, does the taste bother you at all... try using a different type/flavor.... and make sure youre not over dosing it
  11. F

    Cell Tech Creatine?

    are you saying that in general regarding creatine and protein or specifically cell-tech creatine?
  12. F

    Cell Tech Creatine?

    this better taste good when mixed with my banana protein shake.... banana and lime, ewww
  13. F

    Cell Tech Creatine?

    I was thinking that too... so I looked to see how much creatine was in each seving and it didnt state it.... only reason I asked is cause the difference is pretty big.. 20g compared to 100-200g, but if its not all creatine then it makes sense! Gracias!
  14. F

    Cell Tech Creatine?

    I have a jug of cell tech creatine on hand here... for the dosage it says for the loading phase you should take 2 scoops in the morning and 2 scoops at night... and for the maintenance phase just take 2 scoops daily... now, all sounds fine, however, each scoop is 50g! That make loading phase of...
  15. F

    new or bunk

    dude, if you do not know about proper dieting, you sure as hell should not be using any type of AS. Not trying to be rude.... I gain nothing out of this, just saying it for your own good.
  16. F

    Back to Basics... workouts

    ok, no matter how much supp, gear, protein you take, youre gona need to know how to work out... I think many of us (including myself) know limited info on how you should work out. How many reps? How many Sets? What kind of Diet? etc etc... so heres a few questions that some of you may post from...
  17. F

    just to confirm... Nolvadex

    err, wait, after reading a bit more Im finding that the test level increase in Nolvadex is not suffecient enough to gain back what you lost... now im only gona be using a PH so im not sure if its the same or not.... I understnd its better for gyno, however I doubt id be facing that prob with...
  18. F

    just to confirm... Nolvadex

    ok CYPHON, Im gona go on your word and purchase it even though it requires 1.5X more, no biggie really... hopefully it'll work fine
  19. F

    just to confirm... Nolvadex

    got any other suggestions? As far as I know liquid Nolv is actully legal... anyway, did that product work well for you?
  20. F

    just to confirm... Nolvadex

    no idea why its milky white dude.... no offense taken on my side, and Ive got no relations to php, Im just lookin for a good Anti-E. What do you suggest off the site you posted? Thanks bro