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    8x Mr. Olympia winner Ronnie Coleman has hip replacment

    not even close. Saw him a while back, he lives in the area. He was moving like he was 90 years old. looked really screwed up. I was surprised, he looks normal in the comercals. lol
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    Presser , your Ebola nightmare is coming true!

    the sad part is, that isnt far fetched.
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    just realized a very bad habit forming!!!!!!

    prepare and bring your food. I get up early and make my food for the day. Sometimes I dont have time to finish it all but try to snack on small amounts during the day. Guys joke about my 'carry on' (luggage joke) cus my lunch box is so big. I keep two ice packs in it cus I like my drinks...
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    Toilet paper usage?

    whats toilet paper?? lol
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    What do celebrities use to get jacked quick for a movie

    interesting how these articles are created by the maker of the product, sounds convincing (if your a newbie) wish I could say I have never fell for some of this crap. lol
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    damn hillbillys

    It has always amazed me. You need a license to drive (and many other things) but nothing to have kids, our most important resourse for our future. I was too smart to go to college, Drove my father crazy, I was 15 and I already knew everything, what could they teach me. If I could do one thing...
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    Pulled My Left Bicep Muscle Fascia

    VERY COOL looking bruses. I would be wearing some short sleeves showing them off, I love to see peoples reactions. lol
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    Trying to buy a suit

    Im in calif also. I think it was mens wharehouse, free tailoring. Couple years ago got a suit there, affordable, under 200 I think. The guy was fitting me for tailoring the coat, measuring my back and says "Holy Shit, do you live in the gym?" I say " No, I used to work out when I was...
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    Tony Atlas

    hes gotta be around there (70) Love to see someone in that kind of shape at that age. Tony Atlas also did WWE for a while, thats where I remember him mostly, from wrestling. Thats what Im shooting for at 70. I was getting on a plane about 10 years and saw Ed Corny (he was in pumping iron...
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    So proud of myself

    usually I say "wheres a cop when you need one". There was a guy at my old gym, BIG fucker, strong as hell. Drove a BIG truck and had handicap sign. He would always start or finish workout on treadmill. I mention to the owner once about the bullshit of him having a handicap sticker. The...
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    follistatin discussion

    holy shit!! Thinking if the log was from 2011 and it legit worked, info would be all the place.
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    SilkQuads - Curls for the Girls

    You need to shock you diet sometimes lol (the smores and vodka) I had to laugh when I saw you pic. My gym has a lot of younger guys just comming in. (summer) half are decent and the other half are idiots with attitude (knowing most wont last a month keeps me patient with them) If you...
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    IGF1 LR3 deficiencies, fat loss & Q&A

    how is your dosing protocal w 60mgs? In worked muscle? 30mg per side once a day?? come on presser, I wanna be like you when I grow up. lol I want to run again. I did years ago and I went down on the freeway on my motorcycle wearing no gloves and a tee shirt. lol Major ROAD RASH on arm...
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    Shogun Rua Robbed and stripped!!!

    was just thinking about vacationing there? Mmmmmmmm not so sure now.
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    All members.

    hey charlie, thanks bro, think I just threw up in my mouth a little. If it gets any worse have it checked out.
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    Rich Piana "My Craziest Steroid Cycle"

    I think hes off on the 15 grand. Sounds to me like a lot more for a year of those "supps" I too, wonder what he does to maintain now. lol Gotta be something substansial.
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    Anyone know who this chick is she's F'n hot.

    not sure your will enjoy, my sister like to have guests eat on her "carpet".
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    Strongman and MMA fighter

    saw him fight once, if he got to you in the first 30 seconds your in trouble. lol Think is was that sylvia fight, he got gassed quick.
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    What Happens When You Have Shitty Form

    I hate to point out the obvious to you guys, but that is what you do when you dont have a decline bench (I think??) If my back bent like that I might try it. lolol