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  1. M

    Bruce Lee quote perfect for bodybuilding

    thats what I was trying to say! lol
  2. M


    girlie pics motivate me.
  3. M

    Bruce Lee quote perfect for bodybuilding

    Hey, I get it. lol How bout, "Be Happy, stay hungry" Actually the orig. statment makes sense to me. Say you are benching 225 and want to bench 500. After hard work and much time you are benching 350. I would be happy with my progress but not satisfied to stay there. Say I reach 500...
  4. M

    new job =more sex..

    Presser, you just have a way with words. lol
  5. M

    Muscles So fucking sore im actually Sleepy as fuck today!

    or walking DOWN stairs saying "Ouch, Ouch, Ouch" lol
  6. M

    Planet Fitness removing Squat Racks

    I may join for the pizza and bagles.
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    Planet fitness removes squat racks for being ‘intimidating’ because we’re such pussie

    I would think the weights are intimidating also. Better get rid of that. Funny, you get one complaint in the whole gym and they listen to the one instead of asking the whole gym. (I assume) Sounds like calif. where the laws are made for the minority not the majority. Everyone is too...
  8. M

    Need advice for chubby US Army Vet looking to do a cycle

    welcome and repeat all above advice. It is funny, I read your post, had a answer but the same answer was given by everyone else. Seems we are all in agreement. This is the way to do it, especially if you are in it to stay and keep healthy. Decent whey protien and good food. My sugestion...
  9. M

    Ethanol is gas for the car

    dont get me started either. I had a diesel work truck. Diesel was supposed to be cheaper. (when I was a kid my neighbor had a diesel and it was a LOT cheaper) When we had the gas prices go thru the roof about 8 years ago, gas went to almost 5 bucks a gallon, people started buying diesels, and...
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    California traffic

    Just talking about that, I live in san francisco. You want your 13 year old daughter going into a bathroom with a 18 year old pervert who says "you HAVE to let me use the ladies room, it is what I IDENTIFY with. Just aint right. I have been lucky. I commuted for years from San Francisco to...
  11. M

    I want a gh gut LOL

    yeah, what did you notice, if anything, with IGF in abs. (that sounds like it hurts pretty good, lol)
  12. M

    Cold Weather? Tank Tops? Yep

    even worse, when you see guys at the mall (or just out) and its frikkin winter, and they are wearing tank tops. Its like "Look at me, Im buffed, or, I work out" the sad part is it looks like they have been working out for about 6 months (in other words, look like shit, lol) Still got their...
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    Eggs Vs. Eggs

    Long time ago I read that the yolk has a enzime that helps break down the protien in the whites. Even when following a just white diet I always throw in a yolk. gives them the color and if it is beneficial I am covering that base also. When Im good I have 2 cups oatmeal and 6 egg whites...
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    Low Carb Pancakes

    cream cheese instead of flour and water?? how much low carb does that make it. I put some whey powder in with the flour. They look similar. lol
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    New Member..Disappointed..

    what happened to "smartest, best looking, most charming, most suave ect....." no time for modesty bro. lol
  16. M

    Anderson Silva pic

    WORE OFF??????? I think I'd be keepin the meds up for quite a while the way that looked. A long while. Dam, thats nasty
  17. M

    Happy new year!!! Feliz Nuevo Ano!!!

    Thank you and I second that. Too a good, safe, healthy, prosperous year for all of us. To Good Gains, Good Health and Good Times.
  18. M

    who would do this..

    Shit can turn ugly real fast. These guys dont realize you dont fuck with people like that. The'll kill you. lol
  19. M

    Queefing aka vagina farts

    have your ass a Philly cheese steak tonight. lol with a side of onion rings. (figure that one out suckers, lol)
  20. M

    Shoulder PAIN !!!!

    you said the pain is a lot less then before. Sounds to me like its going away. I think all of us who have been around a while deal with shoulder issues. Good info already, and I would add, LISTEN to your body. If something hurts, a bad hurt, not a little hurt, DONT DO IT. You learn to work...