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  1. Bignick

    Possible abscess help please

    Yeah I'm on antibiotics right now, I don't wanna tell the VA what it is I might just go to an urgent care
  2. Bignick

    Possible abscess help please

    So I have a compound made by Jintani Labs and their products often leave me with sore injection sites. But usually it's very manageable it just is a bit swollen and painful after the first day and much less throughout my cycle. This last injection has got my ass cheek swollen up humongously but...
  3. Bignick

    MC IGF-1 Lr3 arrivedv best shoulder workout in years!

    Its funny I feel less embarrassed when people see my fat kid food because I told them presser said I'm allowed Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
  4. Bignick

    MC IGF-1 Lr3 arrivedv best shoulder workout in years!

    I hate drinking sweets when I lift I'll take jolly ranchers with me, I feel like I'm diabetic lol
  5. Bignick

    MC IGF-1 Lr3 arrivedv best shoulder workout in years!

    Do you do candies during workout too?
  6. Bignick

    Easier dosing with IGF?

    That's what I was wondering
  7. Bignick

    MC IGF-1 Lr3 arrivedv best shoulder workout in years!

    I got picks coming at the end. My body fat is down and I and growing exponentially. I have to take a pretty low dose though because I get very hypo when over 60mcgs a day. I can't easy enough bro I love it
  8. Bignick

    need help - tren,prop,equipoise

    I would use more prop I don't use less than 100mg eod typically
  9. Bignick

    Credible Pro AAS Research Publication.

    Thanks presser its funny what a scientific approach can really do. The whole time I'm looking for articles that are written in the light of positivity towards AAS but what helped me the most was just looking for legitimate study about it because most of those had positive information for the...
  10. Bignick

    Easier dosing with IGF?

    I'm just gonna get my girl to do my spots then... I'm 5'9" and 260lbs I'm a sausage lol I just have a hard time with spot injects splitting them up. I can barely wipe without cramping up so injects are tough on tris traps ...Im about to just go single site I look like I'm beat up from all the...
  11. Bignick

    Easier dosing with IGF?

    I've read a few places were guys and tried to dilute the IGF but I ordered whole milliliter syringe like an idiot instead of the .5 ml ones. Dosing has kind of been a pain in the ass just because it's such a small amount any small movement will put me up 10 to 15 mcg. Without buying new...
  12. Bignick

    Credible Pro AAS Research Publication.

    Now I know there is an abundance of information all over the internet but this specific question pertains to academic publishing and scientific research based information. I have a paper due today of course over current issues and I chose PED's. while I can find mountains of information it's...
  13. Bignick

    Taking IGF pre workout question.

    I have been taking MCAS IGF with a tren a, sust, masteron , winstrol stack and man do I love this shit. I literally start to feel awkward midway through my work out because I know people can tell how big my pumps are that sounds ridiculously stupid but man that is so true. Anyways I had to...
  14. Bignick

    MC IGF-1 Lr3 arrivedv best shoulder workout in years!

    Lol I know right! Been around the world and back to find the best igf and ended up right where I started! honestly I never take igf or HGH because I thought they needed to be refrigerated. I'm a sucker for a sweet deal though what can I say I've got another idea for a year or seven now lol!
  15. Bignick

    MC IGF-1 Lr3 arrivedv best shoulder workout in years!

    I really don't know if it has anything to do with the IGF but I truly can usually only do 12 sets at the max when it comes to shoulders, on AAS is the worst. . I start whimpering like a coward bitch because my shoulders are on fire from lactic acid and it's been that way for years. I assume...
  16. Bignick

    Why do you guys use Tapatalk? MuscleChemistry looks perfect without it!

    I was wondering the same thing especially with revenue because Tapatalk really changed a lot of that I bet. Even putting together a mobile site would be cool.
  17. Bignick

    Update on My Kidney Issues! Uh OHHHH lol

    Im in PA school and also work for an xray company we do a lot of scanning of Xray for lawyers office of a urology clinic. Through all my rotations and Xray scanning I have never seen a kidney stone that big.... That mofo is a stalactite/ stalagmite (one of those two)
  18. Bignick

    Muscle twitch quad IMI

    I'm not going to go as far as saying there is a direct correlation but I personally feel that it has a lot to do with the amount of mitochondria recruitment and how active they are in the tissue. high-level athletes get spasms and twitches without pinning. Even localized pressure from the...
  19. Bignick


    Thanks for the prompt reply guys I went ahead and ordered that's all I needed to hear lol Now go ahead and tell me I'm allowed to eat baconators until I quit taking it. :-) I love those things
  20. Bignick


    Hey Gents, its been a while good to be back. I do have a question, my peptide knowledge is limited but been researching alot lately. I couldn't help but notice the monster deals going on at MCAS for IGF and a few others. If you haven't seen them check it out! If i buy the bulk amounts will I...