Search results

  1. ColdHeartBear

    Ripped or HUGE!?!?!

    I am much bigger than 300 lbs. Would be happier at 270 with 12% bf.
  2. ColdHeartBear

    Ideas for next month's articles.

    No problem. I am not up on powerlifting and their present day lifting suits. Actually I lost all interest when they started using the suits.
  3. ColdHeartBear

    I am begging you all to please help me

    I am a former arkie who has traveled the south in the 80's and 90's. I find Savannah boring for the same reason that many find it attractive. It is more along the lines of the old South. People are never in a hurry, politeness is more important than competence, and old customs are held in very...
  4. ColdHeartBear

    how do i make my calves grow?!

    Most muscle groups I believe in intensity over volume. Forearms and calves are the exception to my general belief. The best exercises for calves IMO are standing heel raises of 4 sets of 15 to 25 reps to failure and 2 sets of 3 minute farmers walk with the absolute heaviest weight you can carry...
  5. ColdHeartBear

    Ideas for next month's articles.

    Not power lifting....explosive power. More akin to cabor tossing, stone tossing, right cross, or clean and jerk. Basically it would be the old exercises we used for wrestling, boxing, shotputting and hammer throwing from the 70's to create the most power in a single output. Powerlifting is a...
  6. ColdHeartBear

    Ideas for next month's articles.

    Thanks. I can do as many as 4 articles even 1 or 2 that I am not prepared for now if I know in time what to study, but I really would like a heads up on what people are interested in.
  7. ColdHeartBear

    I am begging you all to please help me

    She has real guts to strike out on her on in Savannah. If she is that important to you maybe you should do the same. If you are not willing to give up your present locale for her then you need to get over it and drugs will not help much. Yeah...this is a guy who still gets pissed from what his...
  8. ColdHeartBear

    Ideas for next month's articles.

    BTW if I did the poll correctly it ends on the 26th of November.
  9. ColdHeartBear

    Ideas for next month's articles.

    I am intending to write part II of "secret agent". I can see the "lazy" article was not of interest. So what would you guys want to read about? Below I have suggested a few, but, with time, I can write about other topics. Working as a bouncer. Estrogen blockers. Home alone workouts. Explosive...
  10. ColdHeartBear

    I thought Arnold said He would never turn his back on Bodybuilding?!

    Boy are you an ignorant idiot. The Aztecas would kill anyone who did the things you say in el paso. But you are right that I shouldn't have wasted time on such a pathetic misanthrope such as yourself who can't understand even the basics of argumentative discourse. Somebody once said you can get...
  11. ColdHeartBear

    I thought Arnold said He would never turn his back on Bodybuilding?!

    Sorry. I misread wheel's post. I stand corrected.
  12. ColdHeartBear

    I thought Arnold said He would never turn his back on Bodybuilding?!

    Dean Aird....I have no cliches in my post. You either have no idea what a cliche is or you are unwilling to accept the fact you posted only nonsequiturs. To establish a premise one must lay down the basic elements of the proposition. You made an unreasoned attack without any element to...
  13. ColdHeartBear

    I thought Arnold said He would never turn his back on Bodybuilding?!

    It is easy to attack someone not here to defend themselves. In building a staw man to knock down one must establish at least some relationship between the subject matter and the subject. I saw none of that in your post.
  14. ColdHeartBear

    anyone know anything about auto body work?

    That is an acccurate estimate for a moulded (plastic) bumper. However a junkyard could get you 1 for 1/4 the price if you do the bolting on yourself. Damn plastic can't be beaten back into shape.
  15. ColdHeartBear


    2 threads touching on your topics.
  16. ColdHeartBear

    MC MAG November 2004

    I was wrong. Security made me leave less than 2 hours after I started working. On the other hand I really have no clue whether what I have submitted is up to the desired quality of the magazine, or even if it is the type of subjects Presser wants as part of his magazine. I saw his suggested...
  17. ColdHeartBear

    Mr. O results and pics

    I like Jay's lats and traps...but everything else goes to Ron. Damn. Those thighs and forearms and upper arms. Wouldn't want that cop busting me on his bad day.
  18. ColdHeartBear

    How long have you guys been at this?

    Doubt that you can find Ryan's book unless on a forgotten shelf in a library. It was written in the late 60's early 70's. It was the 2nd real introduction to real weight lifting that I had. The first was Strength and Health Magazine, defunct circa 1975. I do not count the weider course that my...
  19. ColdHeartBear

    Phytoestrogens - Help With PCT?

    Calcium d-glucarate is a fruit based general hormone remover which is greater than 3 x as effective as beta sitasterol for removing excess steroidal hormones but unfortunately cost from 7 to 12 x as much. Unlike Beta Sitasterol it does not remove excess insulin.
  20. ColdHeartBear

    pct depresion

    Allegedly Beta Sitasterol, Magnolia Root, Selenium from yeast, Phosphatidyl Serine, Alpha GPC, Carnosine, and N-Acetyl-Cystene are supposed to help by cleaning out excess hormones, especially cortisol and enhance brain function to improve mood, as well as relieve stress on the body.