Search results

  1. DecaDent*

    Anyone ever have this problem????

    Have someone take some picture for you. Sometimes it's hard to judge yourself when your looking at a mirror. Using your numbers you've added 47# naturally and 50% of that has been muscle...50% fat. Right now using your figures you have almost 38# of fat (19lbs more than prebulk). A reasonable...
  2. DecaDent*

    help front loading

    The best way to frontload the test would be with some prop,doing it like Kiss suggested is ok if you don't have short esters around. Why are you planning EOD on the EQ? Undecylanoate?
  3. DecaDent*

    Bodyweight and mg

    It also depends on if your comparing muscle pounds or if the added weight is fat. If your talking lean body mass then go up on the dose proportionally,but not for fat pounds.
  4. DecaDent*

    Clomid Side Effects

    Your welcome,Glad I could help ya MARMASS. There are some articles on post cycle Nolva that you might also find helpful. You could probably pull them up with the search.
  5. DecaDent*

    Clomid Side Effects

    40mg a day for 5 days(dosed as 20mg two x's a day) then 20 mg a day for 15 days is one way of doing Nolva post cycle. The blurred vision should improve in a few days once you stop clomid. After the blurred vision is gone if you want to do another challenge with Clomid and see if the vision...
  6. DecaDent*

    Clomid Side Effects

    Adverse visual symptoms including transient blurring of vision, double vision, scotomata(spots), flashing lights, or light sensetivity can occur with clomid. These effects on vision appear to be dose related and usually disappear within a few days or weeks following discontinuance of the drug...
  7. DecaDent*

    god damn fina cough!

    It's the fina and not the BA. Some people are just more sensetive to the drug as far as side effects go,just like some people experience sust flu and others have no problems or pain. I am prone to the "death cough" that fina can cause so I feel for you gymrat. If I hadden't been warned about it...
  8. DecaDent*

    injection technique

    Gymrat,won't the 2 oils just mix together when you load'em? Why not just load 1.1 mls of the good stuff?
  9. DecaDent*

    cycle questions (3) - Anti E's

    I can't see why anyone would go without an antiE if they are using an aromatizable anabolic.
  10. DecaDent*

    Please welcome our newest moderator!

    Glad your here Skip!
  11. DecaDent*

    OK, here is whats going on with me

    AAS will inhibit clotting factors and generally prolong bleeding times. The cycle may have made an existing problem more noticable or worsened the symptoms but it is unlikely the root cause of bleeding. I'd stop until everything gets sorted out. Good luck.
  12. DecaDent*

    What do you guys think of this cycle?

    Durabolin is a shorter acting ester of Nandrolone than Deca. I like it but have never combined it with EQ. I'd drop the dbol for this lean mass cycle and go with Masteron (if it's real)over winnie. You could also move the Durabolin to weeks 4-14 due to the short half life,and then start right...
  13. DecaDent*

    How many people here smoke weed!!!!!

    I live in Weird Al's negative universe so.....always have,always will.
  14. DecaDent*

    Who's done fina and EQ together?

    No fina dick. I was using 500 cyp/week so I guessed that helped.
  15. DecaDent*

    I think I hit an artery today

    I am not posting a pic of my bloody ass.
  16. DecaDent*

    I think I hit an artery today

    That must have been a sight from the thigh bigjosh. Only happened to me once so far and it is something you don't forget. I went to far medially into the glute. Shot blood across the room when I pulled out the 22ga 1.5'' but I wasn't even aware of it at 1st because at that point I wasn't...
  17. DecaDent*

    Cycle help..

    Sust250 is test. What other test is avail.? Sust 250 1cc + Deca 200mg injected 2x a week for 10 weeks is a good combo ,add antiE and post cycle recovery plan to the program
  18. DecaDent*

    Who's done fina and EQ together?

    hard and vascular combo just like you'd expect. I did as cut last year with cyp as well. I use 2g/lb/d protein for cutting and go light on carbs(50-100g/d) with extra cardio thrown in.
  19. DecaDent*

    gh injection timing

    bigjosh I think you have it right. Optimal time, IMO, just depends on how old you are. best b4 sleep or after workout = over 30+yo's first thing in the morning and another time during the day as long as it is not right after a workout or before sleep. = age under 30yo