What do you guys think of this cycle?


New member
6' 225lbs, this will be #4. right now im probably around 13%bf. just finished up a cycle at the end of april and am currently on PCT. will be off all summer while trying to drop a few more lbs of fat and work my strength back up to what it was on the last cycle.

heres what i've been thining of for #4 starting 1Sept:

DBol: ~37mg/day wk 1-5
Sust: 125mg EOD wk 1-11
EQ: 100mg EOD wk 1-11
Durabolin: 100mg EOD wk 1-12
Winni -OR- Masteron: 50mg/day wk 9-14

wanting a nice lean mass cycle. last fall i did an all out bulker - gained 30lbs but probably half was fat. diet will be clean and i will be hitting the weights 5x/wk and doing cardio 2-3x/wk.

suggestions and comments? thanks
37mg??going to mix the Eq and sust together??and whats your reasoning behind doing both Eq and Deca?
I don't really know how you can get 37mg of dbol. Maybe using the liquid version I guess. Here is a little tweek I would do.

dbol~ 40mg ed weeks 1-4
sust~ 500mg weeks 1-10
Eq~ 400mg weeks 1-10
winny~ 50mg ed weeks 7-12

no point in doing deca and eq at the same time.
gymrat said:
I don't really know how you can get 37mg of dbol. Maybe using the liquid version I guess. Here is a little tweek I would do.

dbol~ 40mg ed weeks 1-4
sust~ 500mg weeks 1-10
Eq~ 400mg weeks 1-10
winny~ 50mg ed weeks 7-12

no point in doing deca and eq at the same time.

I agree with Gymrat, drop the Deca.
Durabolin is a shorter acting ester of Nandrolone than Deca. I like it but have never combined it with EQ.

I'd drop the dbol for this lean mass cycle and go with Masteron (if it's real)over winnie. You could also move the Durabolin to weeks 4-14 due to the short half life,and then start right into post cycle Rx following that.
I like gymrats revision better, if this is a lean mass cycle, I would get liquidex, to help with the bloat.
37mg was just as close to 3/4 of a 50mg tab i could get each day.

not gonna mix the eq and sust together, but since im doing the durabolin EOD i'll just split up my sust and EQ doses and shoot them EOD in the same pin.

thought about using prop to kickstart, but i really prefer the Dbol myself. seems to really blow me up fast, and then when i come off of it i actually retain a lot of the size and after the water sheds i am usually a lot leaner than i when i started.

will have liquidex with some nolva and femera inreserves.

gonna run the durabolin as long as the halflife allows it to be out when i finish the winni.

thanks guys