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  1. DecaDent*


    Put some sunblock on that head before the Florida sun completely fries your brain :D From megacycle to natural? What the hell you talking about? What's going on bro?
  2. DecaDent*


    I hope things get better for you. You probably already know that alcohol is a depressant so it only makes depression worse. There are good medications that can help you out of depression,make a point to see your doctor and don't put it off. My best friend was feeling this way and had to much to...
  3. DecaDent*

    I am going to start drinking heavy from now on

    Presser,try vanilla vodka with sprite,it tastes like cake icing with a buzz.
  4. DecaDent*

    No longer a virgin!!!

    Congratz,enjoy the ride!
  5. DecaDent*

    flax seed oil

    It's an omega3 fat so it's like fish oil in it's benifits. It goes great mixed in shakes. It supplements calories so I guess if you drank alot it'd make you fat.
  6. DecaDent*

    Winstrol Tabs

    Most people way overdo the dosage of winstrol,I'll probably get shit for this but dosages of 6-10mg a day will give very comparable gains to the 50 mg/day dose that you see alot of people using,with winstrol more is not always better. It fucks with your liver but mainly your cholesterol at high...
  7. DecaDent*


    Good gains goldenear,keep 'em comming.
  8. DecaDent*

    1-AD and Andro Spray

    I know people who use 6-9 a day and have gotten good results,it doesn't aromatize so the sides do not increase that much with an increase in dosage.
  9. DecaDent*

    whats the best over the counter anti-inflammatory

    Sounds like B is Bextra gander,good stuff but Rx. Anti-inflammatories will interfere with the action of HCG so avoid if your doing that,otherwise I'm not aware of any studies showing interference with muscle growth.
  10. DecaDent*


    What are they going to do, cook at us? :D
  11. DecaDent*

    whats the best over the counter anti-inflammatory

    Aleve has a longer half life than ibuprofen so it is easier to achieve a steady blood level,it's better for chronic inflamation in that respect. Ibuprofen has a quicker onset of action so for acute pain it's superior. Their anti-inflammatory effects are comparable and both can cause stomach...
  12. DecaDent*


    LOL,that was funny. Did you see they changed the name of french fries in the Congressional cafeteria to freedom fries and french toast to freedoom toast(I didn't make that up)
  13. DecaDent*


    Good to hear chem,I hope you nail the twisted little fuck who stole the info.
  14. DecaDent*

    is this possible?

    Nice gains bro,keep up the hard work.
  15. DecaDent*


    I like the changes rugbythug.
  16. DecaDent*


    Isn't 700mg EQ/week a bit high? Why stop the EQ at week 7? The levels will still be up the following 2 weeks while you are on the hcg/clomid making at least the clomid less effective. I'd run the prop and maybe even the tren for at least 10 days after the last EQ shot,and then do the clomid...
  17. DecaDent*

    unflattering commentary on the Arnold Expo from ESPN

    A business that won't die By Shaun Assael ESPN The Magazine Is it just coincidence that this guy's last name rhymes with asshole? I don't think so. Armageddon,great letter bro.
  18. DecaDent*

    Gyno ?

    If your feeling a raisin sized lump I'd start the Nolva at 20mg/d. If it's gyno once it gets hard it usually won't go away withjout surgery.