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  1. PJT

    Why Marriages Don't Work???

    Totally agree! People don't like to work at anything anymore, everyone is so fucking lazy these days. Marriages take a lot of work. Just being in a relationship takes a lot of work. I'm getting married in October so I will let you all know...
  2. PJT

    Just started DC

    1) Not sure about statics 2) Dante doesn't train traps...directly. He believes they get hit enough with heavy Deadlifts. I read in another thread of his that some of the guys with the biggest traps, ie Ronnie Coleman don't do any direct trap work. I personally throw in a set of DB Shrugs...
  3. PJT

    My transformation

    No shit huh. Awesome job T
  4. PJT

    does this happen to anyone else?

    Not with training, but with my diet. I was thin growing up and have pretty much been in a constant bulking phase so I have the mentality that I can eat whatever I want, whenever I want. But over the past year I've started to pack a few lbs on the waistline. I can't bring myself to "diet". I...
  5. PJT

    Do you own...

    "Fuck no, wouldn't be caught dead with one" pretty much sums it up for me. Anything other than Metal is a no go in my cd case.
  6. PJT

    Anyone have or know anything about slipped discs

    Good to see I'm not my only fan.
  7. PJT

    Anyone have or know anything about slipped discs

    Maybe your form is just off... Kidding. I've had back problems since I was 16. Doc says it's not a slipped disc, just the muscle itself. My left trap is higher and my right trap is thicker, so I have a similar situation. Going to the chiro works wonders but it's one of those things that you...
  8. PJT

    craziest thing you've ever done to get a workout in...

    If it's chest day and I can't make the gym I'll walk around and just start pushing people. Seriously though, my old roommate had random weight plates laying around so I put them in plastic shopping bags and did curls, lateral raises and shrugs.
  9. PJT

  10. PJT

    Are We Getting A Fantasy Football League Together For Mc

    How would we work the money situation?
  11. PJT

    Are We Getting A Fantasy Football League Together For Mc

    I'm pretty pumped as well. We should try and get 12-14 teams. Top 6 make the playoffs. When I get a chance, I'll draft up the point system...1 pt for every 10 rushing yards...6 for td's...etc. I'll post it so we can get input and make a few changes if needed. Just need to make sure we got...
  12. PJT

    Are We Getting A Fantasy Football League Together For Mc

    I would be in for $50. The way we worked it last year was $50/person. We had 12 teams so the total payout was $600. Gave $150 to the Regular season winner...$100 to the Super Bowl loser...$350 to the Super Bowl winner.
  13. PJT

    Are We Getting A Fantasy Football League Together For Mc

    Yeah it's pretty cool. It's definitely not the same as being present for the draft though. One dude couldn't make it and preset his picks in advance last year and his team was all messed up. Ended up drafting 4QB's, only 1 WR and finished 2-11. Obviously you can drop and pick up players but...
  14. PJT

    so pissed sometimes

    Another kid I work with and I talk about this all the time. People that aren't into lifting weights and eating right just don't get it. I work an 8-5 so I usually make all my meals in the morning and bring 3-4 meals with me during the day. People question me all the time about it. I got this...
  15. PJT

    Are We Getting A Fantasy Football League Together For Mc

    Good call! Yes, if we do an online draft everyone would have to be at their computer at the same time to make their picks. If you can't be there at the specified time, you can preset your picks, basically put every player in order and it picks for you based off that.
  16. PJT

    who does DC training

    DC training takes a little bit to get used to. I used it for about 12 weeks a few years ago. The strength gains I made were pretty damn good. I think my bench went from 275-315...and that was training natty. I actually just started training DC again yesterday. DB's thread along with reading...
  17. PJT

    Are We Getting A Fantasy Football League Together For Mc

    I can set up a league through Yahoo, I had one last year. Would just need to know how many people are in. I'm not sure if there is a limit on how many or how few teams you can have. We would somehow have to determine draft order and if we want to play for money. Not sure how that would work...
  18. PJT

    randy moss to the patriots!!!!!

    You suck at fantasy football! If you want to join, get your own damn computer and stop using mine. Oh, and move out too! lol
  19. PJT

    randy moss to the patriots!!!!!

    Of course Fantasy Football does that to you as well. Last year I was a huge Rams fan...had Bulger and Holt. Always make sure to take the Pats defense though!
  20. PJT

    randy moss to the patriots!!!!!

    I'm just messing with ya. You could always move a little bit north and become a Pats fan. That would REALLY improve your odds!