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  1. J

    Test cyp, tren e, week 9

    I finished up my drol over a week ago. Now its 500mg test cyp and 400mg wk tren e. what can I add in to the mix to keep piling on the pounds? Deca maybe? Could I go straight to dbol? Would that be to rough on me?
  2. J

    Elbow pain

    Oo yea I'm 5'8" 207 31 yo around 15% bf
  3. J

    Elbow pain

    Deca may be a good idea. This my cycle as of now test cyp 500mg week tren e 400mg week. Just finished drol injectable 75mg eod. I wanna throw something else in since I'm done with the drol maybe deca is what I need. Thanks bro
  4. J


    Ha I had a guy telling me he could get 800mg test that had an llama on the label awhile back. The price was very reasonable too. Like a lil cheaper than my test cyp 250. He said it was from Mexico. Dude didn't know what ester it was or any of that. Not that it was real but do your homework if...
  5. J

    My Calf Melted! Literally!

    Without a script silvadene is the best youre gunna do bro. It's feels great when u put it so cooling and soothing. Good luck bro I hope it heels quickly.
  6. J

    Welcome Timothy to Mc

    New zealand awesome bro! Welcome to mc this place is the tits!
  7. J

    Elbow pain

    Thanks bro. It's just aggravating right now but you know how that goes. I'd like to catch it early if possible. I'm 31 205 210lbs on week 8 of a drol, test, tren cycle. Sorry I'm super tired and can't recall the questions. I'll be more help tomorrow. Night guys thank ya much.
  8. J

    Elbow pain

    And no I'm still tryin to do my homework on igf's before I start using them
  9. J

    Elbow pain

    It started with tendinitis in my left shoulder about 8 years ago. The doc said it was multiple fiberius tears and sea like it went from there. My right elbow has been popping on curls and tri extensions. Maybe I'm feeling it more since finished up the drol I dunno.
  10. J

    Elbow pain

    I noticed it a couple weeks ago. Now it keeps getting worse and it feels like its moving up to my shoulder. What's the most cortisone shots y'all have gotten in a year? I've had 2 this year in my left shoulder and both elbows. 3 in a year may be pushing it I dunno.
  11. J

    Zombies! I told you!!

    Dats souf foriduh fo ya. I may start locking my doors at night... Hell I shot a guy that broke in my house the detective ask my why I grabbed a 22 pistol and not a 12 gauge. He said with a 12 gauge that's usually one less statement to take.... So I guess the lethal force was justified. I...
  12. J

    Need some slutty clothes for Silk

    Put the dude in some purple grape smugglers, a fanny pack, and socks with sandals, black socks! Yea buddy! There won't be a dry pair of panties in Vegas. Haha you guys have fun don't tear it up too bad!
  13. J

    Best TEST

    I don't know about blood test but you know bro. That's the bad thing about all the U.G.s there's way to many to keep up with them. Better luck next time man. I hate to hear that happened to you but sadly there are ppl like that out there.
  14. J

    Should i still be eating more carbs & protein?

    If you just started working out you may wanna work each muscle group roughly once a week for the first month or so. Then maybe step it up to every 5 days. Overworking a muscle can be bad news bro. Work on your form low wieght mid to high reps. Good luck bro! Eat clean and often use your...
  15. J

    My biceps suck!

    Somebody give me an email and post in this thread for me please
  16. J

    The Most Hated Man in Bodybuilding

    I've seen that guy he's to BB as the Harlem globetrotters are to basketball IMO When I get stuck talking to ppl about steroid use and all the myths I just agree. Shriveled balls yup! Tiny penis you betcha! Roid rage all the time! Stupid people are usually stupid cause they don't listen...
  17. J

    My biceps suck!

    I'm really interested about giving MC IGF a try. I just feel like I don't know enough about it. Here's a pic of me from photobucket. It's not that good but it's better than the ones I tried to take of myself lol
  18. J

    What do you consider a large dose cycle to be?

    That would be large for me but not for most ppl in the aas world. I just finished out my drol (weeks 3-7 of 12 week cycle) 50mg Ed. I'm thinking about extending my cycle to 16 weeks and running it again the last 4. Is that a dumb idea?
  19. J

    Webb Simpson upstaged by birdman

    Im sure everyone has seen it by now. Bob Costas is talking with Webb Simpson and this doucher jumps in front of the camera and starts calling peacocks. What a classless scum bag! That was a once in a lifetime achievement that required a level of dedication that few ppl have. Only to be upstaged...
  20. J

    My biceps suck!

    There is no way to load a pic from a iPhone. I even made a photobucket account and tried to put in the URL.