My biceps suck!


New member
The peak isn't really a peak. The only growth I've seen in a while is the width and fullness down low like right above the bend of my elbow. It's bothering me so much that I basically have a day just for biceps. Am I over working them? I hit em every 5 days. Please help its pathisad ( pathetic and sad)....
Your not over working them, its mainly genetics. Also if you have a high body fat(?), then you cant see the shape of the bicep.
I'm not cut up but my bf is pretty low 16-20%. I just want that badass peak and can't seem to get it. Maybe i can change my reps up. I dunno.
I haven't been able to get any to load from my phone and I don't have Internet at my house. I know my bf isn't that low I'm bulking right now. Well I say that I also hate cardio. I work my ass off in the southeast Texas heat 5 to 7 days a week. So I really don't do any cardio. Maybe I can email em to someone on here and they can post em?
I haven't been able to get any to load from my phone and I don't have Internet at my house. I know my bf isn't that low I'm bulking right now. Well I say that I also hate cardio. I work my ass off in the southeast Texas heat 5 to 7 days a week. So I really don't do any cardio. Maybe I can email em to someone on here and they can post em?

lol, I love it when people tell me they work out in the heat all day, so they think they are going to lose body fat due to that. The only thing you are losing is Water! Sweating in the heat is far from the same as doing cardio.

As far as adding pics, click on the manage attachments towards the bottom of the page when you reply. Then click choose file, double click on pic, then click uplaod button.
I'm not saying that. I really just don't want too. I sweat enough thru out my day. Lol

I did just what you said but I can't click on choose file. It's duller than it would be if you could select it.
Like nuk nuk said, the peak is a lot of genetics and having a low body fat. Keep doing preachers and incline dumbbell curls and you'll develop a nice peak and it'll show when you're dieting down. The peak begins right around the bend so if you're building there then you should have a peak
Mostly genetics as mentioned, but I've had good results with my biceps peak and areas of my triceps with MC IGF admin in the particular area over time
I have no probs downloading pics from my droid. Peaks are about 80% genetics and 20% conditioning. But, like dude said MC IGF has made a huge diff on my peaks. I never do cardio, but my metabalism is so fckn crazy I stay around 10% all year round regardless of what I eat. It's a gift and a curse.
I'm really interested about giving MC IGF a try. I just feel like I don't know enough about it.
Here's a pic of me from photobucket. It's not that good but it's better than the ones I tried to take of myself lol
