Elbow pain


New member
I noticed it a couple weeks ago. Now it keeps getting worse and it feels like its moving up to my shoulder. What's the most cortisone shots y'all have gotten in a year? I've had 2 this year in my left shoulder and both elbows. 3 in a year may be pushing it I dunno.
Did the pain start from an injury? I posted a thread a few months back asking about elbow pain and supp's for it and started using Elastamine and collagen and boy it feels better!
I noticed it a couple weeks ago. Now it keeps getting worse and it feels like its moving up to my shoulder. What's the most cortisone shots y'all have gotten in a year? I've had 2 this year in my left shoulder and both elbows. 3 in a year may be pushing it I dunno.

You try igf at all? DMSO ? And answer buffalos question cause we need more info bro..
It started with tendinitis in my left shoulder about 8 years ago. The doc said it was multiple fiberius tears and sea like it went from there. My right elbow has been popping on curls and tri extensions. Maybe I'm feeling it more since finished up the drol I dunno.
It started with tendinitis in my left shoulder about 8 years ago. The doc said it was multiple fiberius tears and sea like it went from there. My right elbow has been popping on curls and tri extensions. Maybe I'm feeling it more since finished up the drol I dunno.

Ok so have you done any strengthening to the internal shoulder rotators with Thera bands or cable exercises ? Not sure of your age or size but seems like best to lower the weight and do more reps to build tendon strength all the way around.. Hard to kinda know on limited info but I'm tryin.someone in the medical field will chime in so keep an eye out brutha ..
Thanks bro. It's just aggravating right now but you know how that goes. I'd like to catch it early if possible. I'm 31 205 210lbs on week 8 of a drol, test, tren cycle. Sorry I'm super tired and can't recall the questions. I'll be more help tomorrow. Night guys thank ya much.
Like I've read lots a test builds muscle strength but not tendon strength so not sure of dosages you got going on but maybe some deca should be tossed into the equation..
Deca may be a good idea. This my cycle as of now test cyp 500mg week tren e 400mg week. Just finished drol injectable 75mg eod. I wanna throw something else in since I'm done with the drol maybe deca is what I need. Thanks bro
Are you icing it at all? I know icing hurts like hell, but it might help if it's any form of tendonitis