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  1. kdog

    rear delts

    Back fly's with DB's
  2. kdog

    Damn no wonder

    Smoke if you want, just don't train next to me (cough cough) :wave:
  3. kdog

    Damn no wonder

    I agree with EVERYBODY here. I can't even count the times I was asked how I got big. Am I on something, how long to I train, what supps do I take blah, blah, blah???? EAT! Not just 3 meals, EAT! Not just a shake after working out...Drives me nuts. I almost get tired of saying it. But hey...
  4. kdog

    what do you guys think

    Yeah I laughed once at a sound a chick made and ended up walking home. Only ok if you know her, not a one nighter'...
  5. kdog

    Bench record holder..

    Totally agree!!!
  6. kdog

    Torn Pec

    Of course go to the doc. Massage and PT are great also. You need to find out if it was completely torn though. Sorry to hear that shit man. Good luck and keep us posted...
  7. kdog

    what supplements would you pick?

    I dig my creatine. I have search hard for one I could tolerate (I hate drinkin all that water right after I train). I like Beverly Nutritions creatine product. Good price and mixes in 4oz h20!
  8. kdog

    hgh 6-8 week first timer

    True, BUT, AAS are tested for by the NCAA while Hgh is not detectable by current testing methods...
  9. kdog

    How do i measure body fat % ?

    Type in bodyfat calculator in the search box and a link will appear stating it needs no measurements. Try this formula. It was actually within 1.5% of my caliper bf%. Let me know what you think...
  10. kdog

    IGF measurement q

    Alright, so 20 units of IGF is approximately 2 units slin. Now I see why you guys use bac water to dilute and add volume...
  11. kdog

    Pics 7 Weeks Out Junior Nationals

    DAAAAAAAMN! Makes me want to start cutting again. Lookin fantastic.
  12. kdog

    IGF measurement q

    My issue is i think terminology. WHat are you guys considering a tic? Slin syringes are marked off in units, usually in incriments of 5 or 10 units. Are you guys saying that one tic is 1unit on a slin syringe?? Maybe may pins are the only ones like that???
  13. kdog

    IGF measurement q

    I'm still confused to bros. I want to use the stuff, put really have no idea how. The concentration written on the vial doesn't correlate with how it is dosed?!?!?
  14. kdog

    2-4 (my football team)

    Good shit then next team sees that on film and plays straight up...
  15. kdog

    where you at?

    From StL. LOVE the Cardinals! As for what I do, with school done I am at a loss for words. Been so long I don't know what I do except train!!
  16. kdog

    8 Weeks out

    What show are you doing??? Lookin good
  17. kdog

    Superheavy. 6-2 292 and 9 wks out from Jr. Nat.

    Looking better each week. Posing continues to get better also. What are his calories right now???
  18. kdog

    Facts about styeroids

    Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
  19. kdog

    Facts about styeroids

    That is HILARIOUS. He is my hero!!