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  1. T

    Offseason Log

    Stats... 5 10 221lbs this morning, still hanging about 10% BF. 32 years old. Taking a couple month "off season" right now, and then in January start dieting for a show in May. Looking to get peeled this time. I just did a state show and got creamed in the Novice heavy's. I only got down to...
  2. T

    Road to 260

    What is the anarchy and recellerator?
  3. T

    Offseason Log

    Haven't run a log in a few months anywhere, and I've been hanging out alot on here lately so here goes. Chest/Back/standing calves today Chinups medium wide grip BWx7/7/6/7/9 I've got bad tendonitis in my elbows and am really limited by pain when doing chins. Decline Bench Press 330x7 295x9...
  4. T

    d-bol 0r a-drol?

    We were just talking about this in a thread last night to some extent.
  5. T

    Road to 260

    Wow that's awesome man, congrats! Is it a company you've used in the past? Are you supposed to promote them now, or are they just doing it because they like you?
  6. T

    Pre Workout Insulin. Post Workout Insulin with IGF-1

    You mention using novolog, is that the same thing as Humulin-R or Novolin-R. I believe those are the ones you can buy at the pharmacy without a prescripiton.
  7. T

    Pre workout insulin

    You mention using novolog, is that the same thing as Humulin-R or Novolin-R. I believe those are the ones you can buy at the pharmacy without a prescripiton.
  8. T

    Best gear and/or pro hormone that doesn't cause hair loss???

    I swear my hair just grows faster no matter what I'm on. Even on masteron and winny the shit just keeps growing!
  9. T

    The question we all hate to hear

    This has only happened to me once so far, and I pointed to my wrist wraps and oh shit man I buy all my gear at!
  10. T

    Dunkin' Donuts Sausage Pancake Bites

    I think I'm going to have to try some when I get off of work in a few hours... Do they give you some sort of syrup cup to dip them in?
  11. T

    Going to throw in some Anadrol

    Shaptown, that's not the first time I've heard that about running A bombs with dbol. I may just have to try that. What kind of dosing schedule would you use with that? Most of the anadrol tabs are 50mg, so cut one in half and have half morn, and the other half like 8 hrs later? Same with the...
  12. T

    Going to throw in some Anadrol

    Have you ever used Tbol? and how did it compare?
  13. T

    Pre Workout Insulin. Post Workout Insulin with IGF-1

    OK, I'll definately switch between the two. So according to the protocol you laid out can I just interchange the peptides for th Gh and use them 30 min pre workout, then do the slin 15 min later? Or do the peptides need more time to work, like say and hour? I guess I would start with 2 IU of...
  14. T

    Pre workout insulin

    OK, I'll definately switch between the two. So according to the protocol you laid out can I just interchange the peptides for th Gh and use them 30 min pre workout, then do the slin 15 min later? Or do the peptides need more time to work, like say and hour? I guess I would start with 2 IU of...
  15. T

    Pre Workout Insulin. Post Workout Insulin with IGF-1

    I'm going to run 100mcg of GHRP-2 and Mod GRF-129 2-3 times per day, I'm also cruising on 250mg test e. Ramping up gear in January.
  16. T

    Pre workout insulin

    I'm going to run 100mcg of GHRP-2 and Mod GRF-129 2-3 times per day, I'm also cruising on 250mg test e. Ramping up gear in January.
  17. T

    Going to throw in some Anadrol

    I think I'm going to try A bombs on my next cycle. I didn't like dbol's, the back pumps and bloating were horrible. May be the same with anadrol, but I'm going to try it out and see.
  18. T

    Pre Workout Insulin. Post Workout Insulin with IGF-1

    Plang, What you are saying makes a lot of sense, and rings true with different things I have been reading about insulin use lately. My question is this: at what point in ones BB life should one consider using insulin? I'm sitting at about 223 today 9 or 10% BF. I'm in "offseason mode" for the...
  19. T

    Pre workout insulin

    Plang, What you are saying makes a lot of sense, and rings true with different things I have been reading about insulin use lately. My question is this: at what point in ones BB life should one consider using insulin? I'm sitting at about 223 today 9 or 10% BF. I'm in "offseason mode" for the...
  20. T

    What move do you like best to hit the rear delt?

    I don't hit rear delts directly, but I do a relatively low volume routine and train everything twice per week. I mostly do chins and either DB or barbell rows, I feel the rows hit my rear delts enough. I also do SLDL for hammies, and that pretty much hit's them too to some degree.